Philosopher's Stone of Poison Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Philosopher's Stone of Poison

Wondrous Item, Artifact, requires attunement (you can attune to any number of Philosopher's Stones using only one attunement slot)     This is one of the six legendary elemental Philosopher's Stones. Not much is known of their origin but it's said they contain tremendous power which only gets stronger the more stones you have. Legends tell that if one would accomplish to collect all six of these stones they would unlock a power as great as the gods posses.     This stone makes you resistant to poison damage and gives you advantage on saving throws made to resist poison.
The stone has 6 charges which you can use to activate certain abilities shown below. It recovers 1d4+2 charges after you finish a long rest.

The stone's spellcasting ability is constitution. So it's spell attack bonus is your your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier + the number of other Philosopher's Stones you are attuned to. It's spell save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier + the number of other Philosopher's Stones you are attuned to.
When you cast a spell with the stone you can use our own spellcasting ability or that of the stone.

You can cast spells on a higher level for one additional charge per spell level above the original.   0 charges: You cast Poison Spray or Infestation
1 charge: You cast Ray of Sickness (on 2nd level) or Protection from Poison
1 charge: When you hit with an attack that deals piercing or slashing damage you can deal 1d6 extra poison damage.
2 charges: You cast Protection from Poison (on up to 3 creatures) or Speak with Dead
4 charges: Veipa’s Violent Venom: As an action you exhale poison in a 20 ft. cone. Every affected creature must succeed on a CON save or take xd6 (x=your level) poison damage and be poisoned until the end of their next turn on a failed save or half the damage and not be poisoned on a successful save.   When you use Veipa's Violent Venom and you also have the Stone of Cold attuned the creature's speed becomes 0 on a failed save or gets halved on successful save.   When you use Veipa's Violent Venom and you also have the Stone of Acid attuned the creatures become blinded instead of poisoned.


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