Vampire Relic - Heartseeker Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Vampire Relic - Heartseeker

Legendary Rapier, requires attunement

  If you are attuned to another Vampire Relic you don't need an extra attunement slot for Heartseeker.

  You have +1 on attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon. (This bonus becomes +2 when you are attuned to two Vampire Relics and +3 when you are attuned to four Vampire Relics)

  When you are using Heartseeker you can switch to a different weapon that is also a Vampire Relic without using any kind of action once per turn.

  Deathmark: When you hit a creature with this weapon and you hit the same creature with a different Vampire Relic in the previous round your attack deals a number of 1d6 extra damage equal to half the number of Vampire Relics you are attuned to (rounded up).

  Duellists Parry: As a bonus action choose one creature. Until the start of your next turn you can add your proficiency bonus to your AC against all melee attacks of that creature against you.

  Seek Heart: You seek out the most vital spot of your enemy and try to pierce right through it. When you hit a creature with this weapon you can force it to make a constitution saving throw. The DC equals 8 + the number of damage dice you would roll for the attack.
On a failed save you can roll every damage die one additional time and add it to the total.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to two times the number of Vampire Relics you are attuned to per long rest.


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