Vampire Relic - Living Armor Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Vampire Relic - Living Armor

Legendary Armor, requires attunement
  If you are attuned to another Vampire Relic you don't need an extra attunement slot for Living Armor.   This blood-red armor is always moving and adapting. When you attune the armor and after every long rest you can change its form to another type of armor.   If you are attuned to at least two other Vampire Relics your Armor Class increases by 1. This bonus increases to 2 if you are attuned to four other Vampire Relics.   Blood Absorption: Each time you hit a creature with an attack made with a Vampire Relic you can absorb some of its life force. This generates one blood stack. Each Vampire Relic can generate only one blood stack per turn. You can have a maximum of three blood stacks at a time. When you lose hit points you can spend a number of blood stacks and regain 1d6 hit points for each blood stack spent. This healing cant get you above half of your maximum hit points.   Brace for Impact: As a bonus action you can harden your armor and prepare it for the next incoming attack. The next damage you would take that is not psychic gets reduced by 1d8 + the number of your attuned Vampire Relics.   Adapt to Survive: When you reduce damage you would take from a creature the living armor adapts so it can better protect you. Choose one type of damage you were dealt by a creature except psychic that you reduced. Until the end of the creatures next turn you gain resistance to that damage type. You can use this ability a number of times equal to two times the number of Vampire Relics you are attuned to per long rest.


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