BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Kai is a tiger kid who came from another universe almost unwilligly. He Met Umbra and when Umbra found out he was strong  he wanted to fight him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kai does not remember his past but he knows that his parents were killed but he never found out who.   he traveled the world getting stronger and stronger until he the strongest and was still considered a child by most. he continued to travel aimlessly just untill he met a guy at a beach. The guy was just sitting there looking out at the sea. When the Guy spoted Kai he called him over. Kai went over to the guy and the guy started asking about him.   Kai thought the guy was strange and asked for his name. he said his name was Umbra. Kai sat around on the beach for awhile before deciding to leave. Umbra called out to him again and asked him if he wanted to come with him. Kai declined. Umbra insisted he come with him and that he would have fun. Kai thought this was strange as there was once another guy who said the same things and tried to hurt him. Umbra continued to ask kai. when Kai started becoming defensive Umbra was confused.   Umbra asked what was wrong. Kai was ready to fight him. Umbra kinda relized this and told him to calm down. Kai decided to attack Umbra.   When he landed a punch he was expecting him to go flying like everybody else does but Umbra just looked at him and smiled. This scared kai, Dude really just smilled after taking a blow that could kill somebody.   Umbra asked kai if he wanted to fight. Kai looked at umbra and relized he was a real threat and went all out wailing on umbra. Umbra just took these most of these blows. After awhile he punched kai. Kai was sent flying into the water miles out. He had never been punched that hard in his life but he knew he could take it. he swam back up to the surfave and hit the water with his tail hard enough to send him flying out of it. He did the same in the air to send himself back towards the beach. when he got back to it Umbra was their waiting. Umbra said to him that he was going to lower himself to his level but go all out with near no pause. after that Umbra started to attack kai nonstop. Kai had never been attacked like this before. Kai started to get used to Umbras attacks and started hitting back. Both of them started exchanging blows with each other. Kai started to feel like he was pushing his limits but also felt he could go further.   That is when Umbra started hitting heavier. Kai asked why he started hitting harder than he could. Umbra said that he changed his mind and that he was going to push Kais limits. Kai was kind of intrested in the idea but was also scared of what he would have to face. Umbra stood there for a while when in the the next instant there was a flash of light and a huge blast of pressure.   Umbras fur had changed color and he was glowing. he even had more tails. Kai asked what had happened. Umbra said that he had entered his Exalted form(Exalted and demon forms ). Kai felt this power and knew he could do it too. Umbra told kai to get ready for a lot of pain.   Umbra was standing there menacingly when in an instant Umbra was in his face. Umbra punched kai with so much force it left a crater in the ground and parted the sea. Kai was sent flying Miles and miles across the ocean. He could not avoid that punch and he knew it. He tried to slow himself down by using the water. when he fainaly stopped he was somewhere in the middle of the ocean. as he looked around he looked up and saw Umbra just hovering in the air above him. next thing he knew he was sitting in a crater with walls of water around him. Umbra kept punching him harder and harder. Then Kai noticed something. Umbras punches were not hurting as much as he thought they were. not that he had time to process the pain.   Thats when kai punched umbra in the Face. Umbra just looked at him. The punching stopped. Umbra lifted up Kai and threw him back towards the beach. when Kai got back to the beach he landed on a rock out on the sea. kai stood up determined to beat Umbra. Kai tried to remember what Umbras power felt like and ended up releasing alot of represed emotions. there was a huge burst of power. his fur and eyes turned red, his claws and teeth longer and sharper, he also gained mutiple tails. When Umbra appeared. Umbra had told kai that he had Unlocked his demon form. Kai was not listening.   Kai started to attack Umbra like a feral animal. One of kai's attacked caught umbra off guard. Kai started doing the same thing Umbra did to him and wailed on him into a crater. Kai felt as if he was winning. Thats when Umbra caught his hands and got up. Kai tried to free himself but it was no use Umbra said to Kai that he wanted to show him the diffrence in their strenth now and somethhing else as well. Umbra was preparing a punch. Kai was painicing trying to get away but he could not. he started to prepare himself for an unimaginable amount of pain. Umbra punched Kai in the blink of an eye. Kai was confused when he came to his senses he stomach was burning but that was nothing compared to the fact that he was just floating and when he evetually turned around he saw the planet but there was a huge chunk missing rom the side of it.   Thats when he started falling back towards it at rapid speeds. as he was falling he saw the world peiceing it self back together. next thing he knew he was back in umbras grasp.   Umbra just looked at Kai and laughed and told him to come with him. Kai agreed Umbra opened a hole in the ground and had Kai jump through it. When kai came out of the other side he was on a diffrent world. when Umbra came through Kai asked him where they were. Umbra said that they were on the planet Diamond. Umbra had Kai deactivate his demon form and Umbra deactivated his Exalted form. Umbra went to Master to put Kai in his care and train him and teach him about the world. he is still currently there.


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Dec 7, 2023 00:00

The entire fight has a very anime feel and I love it. Also, now I want to see him, and Sprizen duke it out. unlimited physical strength, versus unlimited arcane power. That would be a fight.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 7, 2023 04:55

That would be a galaxy scale battle. No planet would be able to hold out

Dec 7, 2023 05:40


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 7, 2023 20:06

Also, the fight would be made that much more epic if Kai were in his Demon form, and Sprizen were gripped with Arcane fury.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 7, 2023 20:36

That reminded me of his transformation into his demon form. i updated it if you want to see it.

Dec 7, 2023 20:41

but yea that would be an epic fight

Dec 7, 2023 21:34

Yeah, that would be terrifying to fight.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 13, 2023 23:13

Dude! Kai is in the most viewed within its first seven days!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 14, 2023 03:59

I submitted it to world ember. I guessing that has something to do with it

Dec 14, 2023 04:21

Probably. Still, that's really cool.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16