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Aura v2

Auras are a power of life, emotion and intention.   If you intend to hurt your aura will hurt and if you intend to heal it will heal.   Everybody and everything has an aura that can be used and enhanced through training and meditation. it can be changed, molded, and projected.   these are the basics of Aura  


  Everybody is born with the ability to build up their aura and enhance it. how much you are born with depends on how much your parents had during your conception and the amount your mother had throughout your gestation period.   once you are born that becomes your base amount of aura. here are some examples   Example 1: if at the time of conception both parents have a large amount of aura and through out gestation the mother maintains or continues to grow her aura, the child will be born with a large amount of aura as their base and can continue to grow it.   Example 2: just like if the parents have a large amount so the child does. if the parents have a low amount of aura the child will be born with a low amount of aura but can still grow it to be someone with a large amount.  

Using Aura

  Ok so now that we know how much aura someone has is determined, now we need to use it. Aura in its base state is White and not vissible but it can be felt.   to use your aura you first need to be able to feel it. this can be done through mediation and feeling the world around you. Then you have to control the aura you give off. Once you control it you can change its properties  

Aura properties, element and disposition

  After controling your aura you can change its properties and change the color, density, permiability,etc.   then you can also change the element of your aura to the base elements and variations of those elements. everybody can use all of the elements but tend to lean more towards a single one, usally the element they spend the most time around. like a child born in a port town being really good with water or a child in warmer climates being good with fire.   the thing about auras is that just because you make fire with your aura does not mean it does what fire does. it depends on what the person who made the fire inteneds to do.  

List of colors, meaning, effect and variations

  • Red - anger - durabilaty,strenth boost
  • Purple - fear - agility boost
  • blue - love - healing boost
  • black - sadness - corrosion of suroundings
  • yellow - joy - major agility boost
  • pink - arogance - controling of others
  • grey - ??? - speeds up mind
  Variations just mean that the color is of that of the aura. your aura can take on the form of water and if you are using red aura the water will be red as well.  


  The biggest thing about aura is that fire does not have to burn if you dont want it too. you can summon fire and make it give life or summon water and make it burn things to a crisp, it all depends on the intetion of the user. if you intend to harm it will harm. if you intend to heal it will heal.  


Aura buffs and Debuffs/ projection

      With your aura usually being around you, you can change your aura with the help of emotions. if you get angry you can buff your durability and strenth. if you feel love you can Heal your self. you can also inverse these effects and debuff yourself but thats not the goal and this is where projection comes from.   you can send out your aura and effect others with it aswell as yourself. if mutiple people are doing it the effect mutiplies.      


  If you use an element enough and master it can change your apperance when you use it. This is just a sign that you have mastered it. your aura can also change apperance. you can make it look like you are enveloped in flames or surounded by water.


When activated an aura of that color surrounds the user   Masters of these powers gain an apperance change aswell. both skin/fur and clothing glow with the colors. your eyes change color aswell.


When umbra defeated the Omni dragon he found out he could use these powers
Related Deity/Higher Power
Effect Duration
Depends on Mastery
Effect Casting Time


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