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Death Owl

What makes these things deadly is how quiet they are when dropping down on prey and they take off just as quietly. You wont know they are there unless you spot them before hand or they make their presence known. both are unlikely.   people can be picked off silently if you you are not looking out for these things.   There are times when they are on the ground and if you are unprepared they can even sneak up on you.   in their docile state if you find one on the ground you can walk up to them and pet them. they are very fluffy. There is one case in winter where a group went up to one and used it for warmth.   when they are hostile it is common for field workers to have about 3-5 people watching out for them.     they wont fight to the death. they will fight you for some time but if they feel as if their life is in danger they will fly away.

Basic Information


Large owlbear like creature has four limbs. it has large arms with large wings that unfurl from them with hands/claws if you have ever played dauntless it kinda looks like the shrike


They are always high in the sky. and with their extremely good eye sight they spot prey from far away. they dive down not making a sound. instakilling their prey. For some reason they are docile during the winter times.   they are built like they are supposed to be on the ground with big bodies and incredible strenth but instead they stay in the sky only coming down to sleep or because they are hunting.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

During winter when they are docile the are used for warmth. if they are killed their feathers are used for cloths and their bodies for food.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

has extremely good sight
Conservation Status
You are allowed to kill it if it attacks and it does not let up
Average Height
7ft - 12ft
Average Weight
500lb - 700lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
body is covered in red and purple feathers the stomach has black feathers


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Oct 17, 2023 17:28

This is also my first use of ai art. Its not 100% what i wanted but it is close enough

Oct 17, 2023 18:27 by Romaine Ruddy

Its hard keeping the style consistent using ai for every article, but it looks good.

Oct 17, 2023 18:58

thanks. Im about to update some of the characters. the style was never going to be consistent and i dont think i will ever get them to turn out the way i wanted them to. they will just be a way to kind of get an idea of what the character looks like