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Demons and The Exalted

The Exalted

  The exalted are beings, mainly humans who have reached such a high stage of power it increased their life spans and their threshold for power. it was enough to make them glow   they are arogant and even decided to seperate themselves from "normal people", living in the clouds as if to look down on them.   there are those who go down to help the "normal people" out of pity and those who just want the people to praise them as a god.    they will sommon powerful people just to make fun of them and kill them if feel like it. they tried this with Umbra and lost.   


  Demons are also being who have attainted a high level of power again being mostly human. but instead of  just increasing their lifespan and power threshold, it also transformed them into monsters.   though most keep their sanity some go crazy.   Demons strangly enough dont act like what people woould think demons act like. most entered their demon form thinking they could change back but ended up stuck in that form. some people understand while others dont.   most bad demons are a case of the environment makes a villan cause some people would shun them.   Umbra also met some demons and they were the bad type who killed people just cause they felt like it and took what they wanted. one of them was a short feline, umbra thought they were cute and picked them up and huged them. the feline imeditly sided with umbra for about a day before going back to their group. Umbra invited them to the Diamond kingdom and told them about the death barrier.  


  The demons went at war for awhile thinking that the other should perish. there were also those who had no will to fight and thought it was pointless. the fighting went on for years before umbra got involved during a stalemate when he figured out what was happening. Umbra forced them into submission and made them coexist with the people in the Diamond kingdom


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