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Glass Isle

The glass isle is a place of memories. The only way to get there is to know about it and have a mirror. you put your hand on the mirror and think about the Glass isle. Then the Glass isle will form around you. you get out the same way at the bank but you think about home or where you were. to acces memories/past events you go up to one of the skyscrapers and peer into the glass. you have to think about the time you want to see and a door will open for you. you and walk in and it will be like you are a ghost so you can not interact with the memorie or past event.   you can only go so far from your past self (about 100ft) before you are kicked out.

Purpose / Function

The Glass Isle is meant for those who want to look back on a memory or a time from their past. even if you erase your memories the glass isle is a record of your life so every thing before then will still be there.


The glass Isle looks like a road with sky scrapers along the sides and the is a old bank front with two pillars on either side all made of light green staind glass the sky is pure white and glowing. it makes the glass appear to have a dull glow. the glass isle is not infinite but it is magicaly looped like a mirror facing a mirror. so if you look down the road you will see yourself


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