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Hush is a large grey/blue furred creature that lives in the mountains. it has a head like a wolf/dragon hybrid with patches of its face being either scale or fur. it moves around like a dragon. it has wings but it only uses them to glide. its eyes are pure white.   its has arms and claws like that of a dragon as well as a tail of a dragon, both with patches of scale and fur.   The Hush does not have a roar but its more like it barks paired with the ability to amplifly or reduce sound.   When angered the Hush will quiet the sound around itself to move around quieltly. Then it will quiet the sound around its target and suddenly increase the sound around them to deafening heights and then send a loud bark their way.   that bark will make the target deaf and can even rupture organs and cause internal bleeding. most prey end up just falling over and dying.   The Hush being dangerous to even to those wearing armor without even having to touch them is what makes them a high level monster. Killing one of these gets you the same honor as if killed a dragon.  

Hush: Demon Form

  The hush in this form become fully coverd in scale and it almost seems metalic.   A Hush in its demon form is probably the most dangerous thing somebody can encounter. Its ability to modify sound shoots up exremely high. At this point you need to avoid any and all of its attacks and be aware of your surroundings   it can only maintain its sound amplification for about a second but that is all it needs or you to die. just the sound of your pulse can kill you and your breath even more fatal let alone if you scream in pain.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

Once killed you can cut out its vocal cords that have the strange ability block out sound or enhance sound depending on how they are used.
The Hush is a legendary beast That is hard to kill. The only tip given to people who set out to kill one is that the only reason they are even able to face one is because it has a tendancy to quiet the area around its prey before increasing it giving the prey time to react. There is a light disturbance in the light around where the amplification happens and it can not be moved by the Hush so it best to just get out of the AOE than try and take it head on.


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