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list of other places

Island Lab   There is an island that has a huge lab on it and there is a synthetic plain behind a huge vault door. The inhabitants were lab experiments. Feral animals mutated to stand on two legs and given a mind to think. They thrived in the plain. One of the main things that they did was cuddle. They also had a cave if you wanted to get more intimate with someone.   at some point some of them thought it was vulgar what they were doing and split up from the rest. secluding themselves claiming to not indulge in desire.
Forest of Strength trail   When you first walk into this forest the sky will turn red and the trees black. Creatures will start to attack you. If you can beat them and come out on the other side you will be many times stronger. After you beat the trail the first time it wont activate again
Forest of endurance trail   When you first walk into this forest the sky will turn yellow. you will notice that you are the only one in the forest and that there is very little food or water. if you can last long enough to get out of the forest then you will be able to endure anything for at least a while. After you beat this trail the first time it wont activate again .
Forest of Ice   In this forest the trees and leaves are made of ice and the ground is covered in snow. At night the trees glow with a blue hue. It also gets extremely cold so if you are outside you will die.  

Sea of lost souls   this is basically the underworld. it is an infinite sea with large bright white dots in a pitch black sky. the lights reflect off the water. when you are in the water it is impossible to sink or drown
Purgatory   This place is infinite with islands but they are really far apart and there is not water but flat barren land that slowly eats away at the things above it. The islands are a sort of sanctuary where people can rest. after having to travel across the land. Umbra has a friend that rules over purgatory named Dulcinea
Plain and tower   If you somehow end up in this infinite field of wheat and walk around a little you will come across a large white tower. The tower is a lab where scientists did experiments on live organisms. they did the most tame to the most extreme things just to get more information on living creatures. Umbra Has faint memories of this place.  


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