BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


This Bug Is feared by most at how violent they can be aswell as how normal and calm they can seem.   This Bug is small and not very powerful but they come in large numbers, Very large numbers     the fear factor comes from how it may seem like a normal house pest that need to be goten rid of. but as soon as something other than a member of its own species dies a group of them will try to take over its body with its own to control it.   if the creature is larger that of their numbers they will start to rapidly breed to fill the empty space. they eat the insides even the bone leaving only the mind intact. turning the creature into a suit and using it to violently attack other creatures to eat. after the skin starts to rot they target another vessle and continue.   there is a video out that show just 2-3 entering a dead animal. as it was rotting away over the course of a day it seemed to deflate the inflate. it later got up and walked away.       after having three vessles in a row they will eat the brain of the 3rd. They obtain its inteligence and try to use it to attack other inteligent beings. if they succede they contintue to gain inteligence and even start to maintain their vessles.   One report of seeing one said that they even replicated breathing and talking and even gave a plesant smile to try to get to its prey.   if they get the minds of enough people they can end up being indestiguishable from a normal person. with the only signs being the detriorating body/ smell and the ocasinal ripple underneath the skin.   if there is one that is found to be inteligent it is advised that you report them to the atorities so they can be checked. if it is noniteligent report it as soon as possible and flee the scene.   If you live out on the plains it may take awile for help to come so stay safe until then and take the vacine they give you. it will not prevent death but it will make sure your body stays yours.


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Feb 2, 2024 18:53

i got the idea fro what happened to DogDay in poppy playtime ch 3

Feb 2, 2024 21:11

Got it, need bug spray. Only bug spray, and all the bug spray. And, maybe fifty cans of Raid.   -N

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16