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screaming steel

This is a very strange metal because when you heat it up it starts making a high pitched screaming/whining  noise similar to that of a tea kettle just higher pitched. there is also risk factors that come with it.


Physical & Chemical Properties

the metal can retain heat. this can be good or bad depending on where it is used.

History & Usage


nobody really thought anything of it till it was used in a toilet. the people who owned it (a familiy of three) reported smelling a strange metalic scent and a high pitched whining sound. when they tracked it to their bathroom the toilet was smoking and soon after exploded. they started panicking trying to stop the water and passed out soon after.   when it was investigated it was found out that the cause was the small amount of screaming metal that was used in it on accident. this is when people started to look more into it. the family was compinsated with money and a new toilet that would not explode.   other uses were found for the metal

Everyday use

Turns out the metal has a low melting point o about 500 degrees F.  but it is also extremely durable and even more so in cold temps.   so anything that is going to be out in the cold but also need to be harder than normal metal

Cultural Significance and Usage

people have gotten ahold of chunks of the stuff and decided to heat it up. they found out that it can cure insomnia.


use a low temp forge and heat up slowly till its in a liquid state and mold it that way. heating up too fast can cause an explosion. (keep in cold areas after forging)

Manufacturing & Products

Anything that can be made with metal can be made with this but probably should not be.   if grinded up to a powder can be used as a substitute for gunpowder.


  1. it looks like regular iron
  2. when heated it releases fumes that when too much is inhaled can make you lose consciousness(looks like a white smoke and smells like the material)
  3. when heated up too much it can combust and explode



Is to be kept in low temps at all times
strange metallic smell
Common State


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Oct 24, 2023 21:56

Geez... Its most famous story of its use was an exploding toilet. That's awesome.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 25, 2023 11:38

Thanks. Its another story i got from a dream.