BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Shun is an idol where he lives.  he goes around the world and sings for his fans. if he is not singing then he goes out to have fun and check out the places he goes too.  there are times where him just going to and leaving a place can mess up its economy because of his fans. he knows this so he tries not to post to much of what he is doing to reduce the impact. until one encounter

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shun was never poor and never had any hardships. he has always had a good life thanks to his rich parents. At some point he figured he was a good singer and tried to go big. he went to rehersals and started trying to get sponsored by some big shot.   He go in touch with a start up company cho claimed they could make him big. Thats all shun was looking or so he joined them. After his first song on a big stage he was immediatly popular. not only because of his singing but because of how cute everybody thought he was. He did thids for a ew years. Over time he started to travel around with his fans following him. He would sing then go looking around seeing what he could see. When he irst did this he was advised to post every thing he did, so thats what he did. after he left he soon heard that after he left so did new fans. People would move just to be where he was and any thing he posted would be bought up.   after that he stopped posting so much and decided he was only going to post the things that could handle his fans. He went around somemore to sing and look around, he would post and then go undercover so he could enjoy himself. He had heard about the Diamond kingdom at this point and was looking forward to going but heard that is was hard to get to and that he would have to be escorted there. then there was the fact that all of his fans would be put in danger.     When the Diamond kingdom heard that he was coming they asked their field workers to gather and escort both him and his fans to the kingdom. The incintive was any monsters slain during that time would sell for 4x the regular ammount.   When the workers got the them Shun was surprised not because of how stron they were or their suits but because it was the first time since he became an idol that people did not fawn over him. they just saw him as someone who needed to be escorted.   When he got to the kingdom he did what he usually does but the king asked him to post as much as he likes and that it would be fine. He got to a huge amusment park that also had a hume mall in it as well. He went and looked around and shared what he did. He rode rides ,played games and went to eat.   He went to this area with a giant checkers board table with places to stand and wanted to play that. He got up on top and started a match. He over heard someone say that the guy he was going against kept winning matches back to back. on shuns first mach against him he won. The guy was suprised and wanted a rematch. The gamemaster tried to tell him he could not do that but shun cut in and asked him to allow it. The gamemaster gave in and allowed it.   this being their second match the guy won quickly and the same four matches later. then on their sixth match the game master came up with a rule that you could give your chips away to the opponet for extra points but it gives them more chips   Shun decided to start giving his chips away but then the other guy started doing the same. they then started to make moves and give their chips away at the same time. They kept this up longer than anybody thought they could. Then Shun started to sing out of nowhere.   The crowd behind him started to sing aswell. Then the guy he was going against started to sing aswell. This made Shun happier than when he was on stage. mabye because it was different or just because he was having a good time but he was just really happy. As the singing came to an end it was called by the gamemaster that the match had ended in a draw somehow.   The gamemaster had also seen to late that the two were abusing the new rule he added and racked up a ton of points.   The two both got off the table and let others play they started to talk to each other. Shun asked himm what his name was. he said his name was Umbra and then asked him what his name was. Shun did not think he would have to introduce himself but did anyway. they became quick friends after that.   They started to walk to the mall where you could spend the points the gained and as they were talking Shun told Umbra that he was an idol. Umbra just told him that was cool and asked him if thats why all those people were following them. Shun just said yea and started to ask umbra why he was there.   Umbra said that he was there with his wife and kids and kinda just wandered off to play games, and thats when they met. Shun asked him where his wife and kids were now. Umbra said the ferris wheel and that he could see them riding it. Shun was confused but was cut short in it when Umbra got a call.   It was his Wife, and she was a bunny. He started to think that was strange then his wife started asking why he was standing next to the idol Shun. As soon as she said that there was a lot of screaming in the background. Bea told them to wait up a second and that she was coming. Shun started to say that it might take he a while to get there. Then Umbra said "what are you talking about". Thats when right in front of them was a loud boom. Shun screamed and asked where she came from. Bea holding one kid in each arm said that she had jumped off of the ferris wheel. Shun was at a loss for words. Bea started going on about how she would have waited for the ride to end and walked if the kids did not want to see him.   Then she set the kids down who as soon as their feet touched the ground ran up to Shun and started hugging him and asking a ton of questions. The crowd behind them started to enclose on them like an angry mob. Bea looked up and glared at them and they backed off for more than one reason. Shun overheard his fans wispering about a queen.   Shun asked Umbra and Bea why they were saying stuff like that. Umbra reavled to Shun that they were a king and queen and the kids were a prince and princess. Shun asked Umbra if he was the king of the Diamond kingdom and was met with a no. Umbra said that he was The King of another kingdom across the sea but he was friends with the king of the Diamond kingdom.   Umbra started walking to the mall again and Shun and the others followed. When they got to the mall Umbra ended up spending most of his points on what his wife and the kids wanted but he did buy a replica of a big sword. Shun spent his points on food and merch.   Bea at this point was annoyed with the crowd that followed shun watching everything they did and asked him to ditch them so they could relax. Shun said that he was unable too. Bea looked at Umbra as if she was asking him to do something. Umbra decided to temporaily change reality so he was not an idol. the crowed dispersed suddenly because Umbra made no movements and said nothing to suggest he did this.   Umbra told him what he did and Bea thanked him.   They all went around the park and had fun but when it was time to leave Shun needed to asked Umbra something. Shun asked umbra if he could keep reality changed for a little longer so he could go on a little vacation. Umbra agreed.   Shun went to umbra's house to chill sometimes and had fun around the diamond kingdom. he went back to umbra to have reality changed back. he told his fans that he would be settling down in the diamond kingdom for awhile and for them to get comfortable there.
Current Location


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Jan 14, 2024 04:54

i am by no means a good writer. keep that in mind