Stripper spider Species in Forthunder Universe | World Anvil
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Stripper spider

i dont even know what i want this to be. i just over heard some coworkers talking about strippers and came up with an idea for a monster

These aracnids are terrifying because of the way that they skin and wrap up their prey.   They carve out large caves and climb on the walls and wait for something to wander in or take shelter there. they can not create their own webs so the drop down on the prey and try to beat and stab it to death or till its unconscious. Then they will grab them by the arm or legs and hold them verticaly. They will cut the skin into strips and then they use the hook and spoon to peel them off. Afterwards they will eat the strips and this is how they make their silk.   After they make the silk they wrap their prey in a bloody, fleshy string called blood silk then hang them up for later.   They use any extra to start a nest or for extra food.

Basic Information


a large black spider with the only diffrence is that its arms consist of knives spoons and hookers. but they do not walk on them. they can retract them and take them out when needed.

Genetics and Reproduction

Their is no need for a male or female. They can all asexualy reproduce

Ecology and Habitats

It lives in caves or holes it digs into the ground and waits for prey.    The inside of the hole can range from just a big hole in the ground to a whole cave system you can walk, run, and jump in.  Some dig so deep that some of the what can be considered rooms can be about 50ft tall.

Dietary Needs and Habits

I does not need to eat for at least a month after feeding. After it needs at least 300lbs of meat. If it has a dryspell of prey it will start to digest its blood silk

Biological Cycle

When they die any young will eat the body including the blood silk and go make their own nest.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Turns out the spider just mixes the blood with some other stuff in its abdomin to create the blood silk. This stuff can be extracted and simply mixed with salt water to create their silk. Its used for rare, exspensive clothing.   It can be mixed with other stuff aswell such as metals to make metal silk. It will also have it properties.
20 -25 yrs
Geographic Distribution


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