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Luminism is one of, if not the, largest organized religion in the Empire. It claims to be over 15,000 years old, older than the Empire itself. It also claims some 3 trillion adherents spread across the Empire.   The central themes of the religion are cycles, ourboros, and nature seeking completion.   The Salt Palace on the Maiden is the seat of power for the religious organization. It is the only habitable moon.   It is intersting that only the Maiden is habitable. The Mother and the Crone are uninhabitable, barren, a reference perhaps to a woman's later stages in life.   Luminists believe the Goddesses were once a single entity. When the moon Surah collided with the planet Dol , it split the Goddesses apart and created the three moons now known as the Maiden , the Mother , and the Crone .   Their major deity is the Triple Goddess , comprised of the Maiden , the Mother , and the Crone .   It's clergy members are referred to as Zephyrs.   "Triple Blessings" is a common phrase said amongst its adherents, with a slight, reverent bow, hands held together, fingers steepled, thumbs joined extending downwards, creating a diamond shape, also representative of a vulva.   Men and women are counted amongst their members.   After the death of the Proxima, the religious leader of the order, many faithful make a pilgrimage to the Maiden, the birthplace and home planet of Luminism. The reason for the pilgrimage is for a chance to walk The Spiral. It is a trek through unrelenting harsh conditions, with no allowance for food, water, sleep, or mechanical aid, along a 170km spiral, the end of which contains a pool of water held within a cave, often called "The Womb of the Mother".   During this journey, a person must walk without the help of another, only being allowed aid if they land on a single knee. The aid can only extend to assistance in being helped up back onto two feet. If both knees are placed in the sand, then that is the sign of submission. They are at their journey's end. They can choose to crawl off the path, of their own free will, to save themselves, or they can choose death on the path.   Once inside "The Womb", many pilgrims are blessed with a vision, a gift from The Mother. The vision is then shared with the Zephyrs after returning from the journey, in order for them to interpret the vision and its meaning for the pilgrim. These visions are personal to the pilgrim and not intended to be shared with others.   To have received no vision, is to be left empty, unloved, unseen by The Mother.   There are many temples there dedicated to the religion, but the region is poor.

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