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Vara Fair

by hughpierre
Vara fair is a clear broth with some live varas swimming inside it. The soup is salty, and rather crunchy from the crustaceans, with a sweet aftertaste

Manufacturing process

  1. The broth is made by heating water containing edible kelp, dried fish and/or shiitake to near-boiling, then straining the resultant liquid.
    • Add additional seasonings or dissolvable ingredients to the soup stock
    • Let the soup cool to room temperature for up to 2 - 3 hours when the whether is hot or 4 - 5 hours when the whether is cold
  2. Stores of the tiny shrimp are kept in clean water that is gradually tainted with alcohol
  3. At the time of serving, small schools of the drunk varas are gently poured into the cool broth


It's slightly familiar. Reminds me of my childhood.
In Karafort, the dish is normally prepared on specific occasions. Though, workers are always happy to make them for travelers who find and bring back vara of their own to the camps.
The little creatures are in ecstasy from the chicha. I know because I could still feel them dancing in my mouth.   I admit though. I do feel a bit guilty after having eaten something alive. And so small too.
— visitor to Karafort

Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Current Location
Raw materials & Components
  • Corn
  • Roots
  • Sweet Potato
  • Squash
  • Leaves

  • Comments

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    Jul 30, 2024 17:48 by jyliet of the house

    Ooo! Interesting dish. Not sure I'd find myself craving it, but I'd love seeing the drunk little creatures swimming around in someone else's dinner.

    Jul 30, 2024 18:19

    Glad you liked it