Barbarian Class Profession in Fox's Campaign 1 | World Anvil
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Barbarian Class


  To be a Barbarian you must have all these conditions met:   Attributes
  1. Cannot have any points in INT
  1. No more than 3 skill points in INT based skills
  2. Start with +1 Endurance or +1 in Athletics and -1 in infiltration. (This does not affect your max of 3 in INT based skills nor your starting pool of skill points)


You may choose only from the following list of vocations. If you want to make up your own please discuss this with the narrator. You may not pick the same skill if you already have that skill in another vocation. You cannot stack weapon proficiencies from other vocations, you must choose which vocation weapon skills you want from ONE vocation.   Berserker (STR)
  • Start with 1 free point in either medium or large weapons. (As long as you already have a point in Berserker)
  • Has access to combat skills "Medium, Large, & reach weapons" Start with that weapon.
  • -1D6 when using any other weapon than your proficiency.
  • Has access to combat skill "rage" When a player declares they enter into a rage, they gain advantage on all combat roles. If the target's combat roll was more than half of your roll they get to inflict a minor injury regardless of your wins. However, when a player enters into a rage ALL injury penalties are temporarily removed until the rage has ended. The rage lasts for 1 minute, and requires a long rest to use again. +2 points for 2 minutes. +3 Points for 3 minutes and you get to decide when to come out of the rage. +4 points for 4 minutes and +1STR regardless of the max allowed.
  • Has access to skill "Intimidation" Roll with advantage if your character is covered in blood.
  • Has access to combat skill "Ground Pound" If you have a large or reach weapon you can strike the ground with its blunt side (if it has one) and every character within 5 meters (+5 meters per skill point) has to make an acrobatics check to avoid becoming prone or staggered depending on how bad they failed.
  • Has access to all weapon proficiencies.
  • Has access to skill "Cooking" Allows the crafting of Destiny Meals which require 3 fresh ingredients (meat, fruit/vegetable, and a grain) and a fuel source. They take 4 hours to make and can only be eaten once a day for a temporary destiny point that must be used within 24 hours. Every skill point in "Cooking" halves the time to make meals. 3 Points in cooking give the consumer a temporary point in STR for 24 hours. Start with one destiny meal.
  • Has access to the skill "Butchering" Can skin animals for meat or hide. Normal people who skin animals will always receive a crude quality hide and meat, however you start with normal quality. +2 points in butchering allows you to harvest Fine quality hide and meat and in half the time. +3 Points in butchering allows harvesting of Legendary quality hide and meat and halves the time.
  • Has access to skill "Potion Crafting" Allows to craft potions. Start with minor healing potion recipe. Start with two minor healing potions. Each point halves crafting time.
Soldier or Mercenary (STR OR REF)
  • May choose any weapon proficiencies and a free +1 bonus to one of them. (As long as you already have a point in Soldier)
  • -1D6 when using any other weapon than your proficiencies.
  • Has access to combat skill "Hardened strike" +1 injury level if you land a hit with a weapon you are skilled in & -1 AP when using hardened strike. Must spend a round readying before using. If you are interrupted during the readying then you must ready again. 2 Points in this skill has -2AP effect. 3 Points gives you +2 injury level and you cannot be interrupted.
  • Has access to combat skill "Hardened Defense" When using a defense roll add a 2D6 per skill point. Takes a round to ready until point 3. Can be interrupted. Cannot use two rounds in a row.
  • Has access to skill "Battle Tactics"
  • Start with 1 free point in Small weapons. (As long as you already have a point in Bandit)
  • Has access to Small and medium weapons skills. (short stringed instead of medium weapons if you are Ranger class)
  • -1D6 when using any other weapon than your proficiencies.
  • Has access to skill "Lockpicking" Start with 10 lockpicks.
  • Has access to skill "Hiding" At level 3 roll all stealth checks with advantage
  • Has access to skill "Robbing" At level 3 roll all persuasion checks when threatening with advantage.

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