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Altan Ashheart

Sir Altan Ashheart

Altan Ashheart is a red Dragonborn monk of the Ascendant Dragon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Altan has a lean physique.

Body Features

As a dragonborn, Altan has scales, yellow-tipped horns that curve behind his head pointing up. Being Draconblood, Altan was also born with a tail.

Facial Features

Altan has a smaller, rounder face than other Dragonborn.

Identifying Characteristics

Shoulder length, poofy black hair. Along with his big yellow eyes and yellow under scales.

Apparel & Accessories

Altan wears basic monk's robe, usually without a shirt though he does own one - on the off chance that he's ever actually cold. Altan also wears a necklace made of vines and sticks belonging to his mother that he made for her. He wears it constantly and would rather die than sell it - being his only selfish possession.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Altan had a nice quiet life with his mother, father, and sibling on one of the many islands. Then the Cult of the Dragon eventually got to the island they were residing on and decimated his hometown. Altan’s parents died holding back the cult as him and his sibling made it onto an escape ship. The ship was taken down by the hostile fleet and everyone on board was sent into the water. This split them up, and Altan never saw them again.   Altan then awoke inside of a monastery. Monks found him washed ashore unconscious and nursed him back to health. While Altan wished to go back out to sea, he was only a child. He was too weak to go alone now. Instead, Altan trained with the local monks who taught him the Way of the Ascendant Dragon until he was a fully capable and wise adult.   Overtime, he found his peace there, and suppressed his urge for revenge. But when news came that the Cult of the Dragon may be heading back to the islands for another assault, Altan knew he had to protect his monastery and his new family, volunteering to find a way to stop the cult.

Gender Identity

He's a cis male.


Altan is straight.


He learned everything from the monks that raised him. He can read, but would rather learn from personal/other's experiences than read about anything.


He's an adventurer.

Mental Trauma

He occasionally still dreams of the day the Cult of the Dragon attacked his village. Yet recently - rather than harm him, Altan finds serenity in the memory of his final moments with his family.

Intellectual Characteristics

Altan is more people smart than book smart.

Morality & Philosophy

Altan follows the ways of his monastery closely - it's his life. He follows his teachings close to heart, and are more important to him than societal laws.

Personality Characteristics


Altan's motivation is his to live his life as a good person. As a follower of the dragon god Bahamut, he strives to live as he did. To do his best to help everyone in danger, living by the traditions of his monastery, and to do his best to help others without being known.

Likes & Dislikes

Altan is a simple man. He likes good people, good food, and making friends/being in the presence of his friends.

Vices & Personality flaws

Altan's flaw is he will always see the good in others, making him easy to convince that other's motives are noble and good. Unless it's obvious that someone is evil - as in babies notice their evil and cry in their presence, Altan will do his best to see the good in others. He also has a tendency to talk with his mouth full.


Contacts & Relations

Guineviere "Gwen" Goldheart Somerset Crestfallen Sir Kalhmagron "Kal" Malzorek II (aka: Runar the Ruined) Bravo Showstopper Kalextus Candlekeep Theron Edinburgh Ms (Simmer) Whick Buraq the Spear Callum Evergreen Raso Basi Kaswrik Crowthorne Aedoneus "Aedon" Shadowflame

Family Ties

Altan's family died when he was young, but the monks that raised him are his new family.

Religious Views

Altan is a devout follower of Bahamut.

Social Aptitude

Altan can socialize in certain situations, where as others he is socially awkward.


Altan's mannerisms are being as polite as possible when possible.

Hobbies & Pets

Altan loves to play his lute and be around his friends.


Altan's always does his best to speak politely and clearly when needed to and when he can.

Wealth & Financial state

Altan is poor.
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
23rd of Flamerule
Islands off the Sword Coast
Current Residence
Monastery of the Platinum Dragon
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Scales
5' 8"
Known Languages
Altan knows Common, Draconic, and Elvish.


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