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Guinevere Goldheart

Guinevere Goldheart (a.k.a. Gwen)

Guinevere is a half elf/half dwarf from a small town in the Dessarin Valley. While she has always enjoyed helping the community with her cooking and healing, she has always dreamed of one day being an adventurer. Now she is finally out in the world going on adventures with her new family of friends. Maybe she's bitten off a bit more than she can chew this time and she's not sure how it's going to go. But she knows one thing: they'll always have each other's backs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gwen is an endo-mesomorphic body type. A bit stocky with some healthy fat from good food and drink (especially hearty, filling foods ands sweets). But with a bit of muscle as well from her hard work at the tavern as well.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cisgender Female


Bisexual and Polyfidelitous


Though Guinevere got a decent education at her home town, it wasn't at a prestigious school like Blackstaff Academy. However, she learned quite a bit about cooking/brewing from her parents, medicine at the local church of Ilmater and (being obsessed with stories of heroes) a lot of history. Since leaving home she has purchased a spellbook and some books on the arcane to learn wizardry, specializing into the School of Enchantment.


Having learned from her parents and working at their tavern, Guinevere often finds jobs at local taverns. It's a fun place to work and, in some places, a good place to get leads on quests/adventures. She also volunteers as a healer at churches of Ilmater or other allied deities (like the other two members of the Triad) when she can.

Morality & Philosophy

Guinevere would rather protect, heal, and comfort people rather than hurt anyone if she can help it. That being said, the protection of the innocents, the defenseless, and her friends is also important so she will fight against those who wish to do harm to them.

Personality Characteristics


She is very curious and looks at all oppurtunities as an adventure.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Guinevere is intelligent and aware of what is going on around her and has good insight into others emotions. However, she is also a bit naive and can get over excited/emotional which can cause her to overlook or pass by important social cues she'd otherwise handle well.

Likes & Dislikes

Guinevere enjoys spending time laughing with her friends and family over good drink and food. She also really loves stories of fairies, heroes, etc. as well as animals (especially cats). She also likes to cook a hearty meal after a long journey or on special occasions, for her friends, family and adventuring companions.

Virtues & Personality perks

Physical and mental health of herself and her friends are very important to her.

Vices & Personality flaws

Guinevere sometimes over indulges in her love of food; cooking, eating, and drinking more than she should. (Though not drinking enough to be drunk. More so eating tbh) Occiasonaly lets her entusiasm and sense of adventure get the best of her.


Contacts & Relations

Coworker(s): Donna Bravehoof (Everwyvern House in Triboar and at the Yawning Portal Inn in Waterdeep)   Adventures in Waterdeep Party: Ignatius the Infernal   Thundertree Party: Altan Ashheart, Somerset Crestfallen, Rosamel the Radiant, and Sir Kalhmagron Malzorek II (aka: Runar the Ruined)   Tyranny of Dragons Party: Vladrek Ravenbane, Quacey Silverstorm, Vidarok Grimshaw (aka: Narock the Shield), Gahora of Snakewood, Layla Darkwing, and Grulnnear Odrikson.   Allies: Bravo Showstopper, Kalextus Candlekeep, Theron Edinburgh, Ms (Simmer) Whick, Raso Basi, Callum Evergreen, Buraq the Spear, Aedoneus Shadowflame, and Kaswrik Crowthorne

Family Ties

Guinevere's father was a well spoken and passionate gold dwarf chef from Frozenfar named Gordon Goldheart. Elizabeth "Bettie" Heartbreak, a foul mouthed but warm hearted elf woman, was her mother. Bettie was a brewer, baker, and barmaid. The two of them found work at the Yawning Portal for a period of time before falling for each other and travelling to a small town in the Dessarin Valley to open their own tavern.

Religious Views

Guinevere's mother and father revered Alobal Lorfiril and Hanseath respectively so many of their teachings are held by Gwen. She also shows great respect and reverence to Lliira, the goddess of joy. Gwen will always follow Ilmater as her primary deity.

Social Aptitude

Ocasionally misses social cues despite being incredibly sociable and charismatic.

Hobbies & Pets

Guinevere has a ginger-cream tressym familiar named Pumpkin.

Guinevere is a half elf/half dwarf from a small town in the Dessarin Valley. While she has always enjoyed helping the community with her cooking and healing, she has always dreamed of one day being an adventurer.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
13th of Mirtul, 1463 DR
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish


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