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Vladrek Ravenbane

Lord Vladrek Ravenbane (a.k.a. Vlad)

Vladrek was born in Baldur's Gate to a vampire lord and her thrall, a monster hunter. Eventually, with the help of his old adventuring party, Vladrek’s father was freed. Unfortunately, Vladrek was kept by his mother and has been forced both by circumstance and magical suggestion to be the perfect servant and representative of his mother after moving to Neverwinter. He has since fled and become an adventurer to escape her and build up enough magical knowledge and power to protect himself and his free will.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Endo-mesomorphic dad bod, though he's still quite dexterous.

Facial Features

A short boxed beard (black), amethyst eyes, and long raven black hair (down to upper back).

Identifying Characteristics

He has several scars and a tattoo on the underside of his left forearm of a skull with a white rose growing out of its mouth. Black, spiked chains extend out from the skull and wrap around the forearm. He also has dhampiric fangs.

Physical quirks

Has a slight limp due to the severe damage done to his left leg during his early adventurer days.   He's often found with an emotionless, observant expression on his face as if analyzing each place, individual, and situation for potential threats and strategies for victory.

Special abilities

Good-aligned lost souls are drawn to Vladrek and follow him. Usually, only Vladrek is able to see them.

Apparel & Accessories

Black pride silk business wizard robes with the symbol of Jergal with black leathers. He wears a black cloak open over it, black bracers with amethyst gems, fingerless black gloves, and a silver chain necklace bearing the holy symbol of the Raven Queen. Also has a black bag of adventuring gear with the holy symbols of Oghma, Mystra, Jergal, Kelemvor, Lathander, and Ilmater hanging from it. He also has a silver skull mask he sometimes wears from his time as a member of the Companions of the Pallid Mask.

Specialized Equipment

He also has two rapiers in scabbards hanging from each side of his waist; one is the shadowsteel sword Nevermore of the Raven Queen and the other is the blessed silver sword Eversong of Eilistraee. When he walks he leans on an ebony canesword with a silver skull design for the handle which was made for him by his fellow adopted brother Dracul.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cisgender and Masculine.


Polyarmorous, demisexual, and bisexual.


Vladrek is a prodigy of wizardry, especially the school of necromancy. Vladrek first learned arcane magic from his mother, Jessua. After the deaths of his parents, Vladrek learned some magic from Zhanil Hellraven before apprenticing under Kinsler Silverstorm. As his apprenticeship ended, Vladrek became a student at Blackstaff Academy.

Mental Trauma

Vladrek witnessed the brutal beating and murder of his parents at age 12. By age 13 he was kidnapped by priestesses of Loviatar to be sacrificed as part of a dark ritual. At age 15 his mentor, Kinsler Silverstorm, attempted to kill Vladrek. Vladrek sacrificed his leg to save his adopted mother Shoshana Ortal when he was 16 (though Vladrek would get his leg healed later). Vladrek also witnessed the deaths of multiple friends due to the machinations of the Dead Three, Vecna, and Asmodeus.

Morality & Philosophy

Vladrek has a personal code of conduct which upholds the ideals of logic, fairness, friendship, respect, noble obligation, beauty, knowledge, and the greater good.   Vladrek believes that there is the right thing to do and the correct thing to do. The best thing to do is found somewhere in the middle. It is important to hold your ideals up to reason and vice versa. Ultimately this serves to mitigate potential harm to his friends and allies during their adventures. It also places a greater importance on the survival and victory of the people as a whole, preferring to focus on the long term goal of the greater good rather than short term acts of heroism.   Vladrek is willing to hear from the perspectives of other party members to find the best option and then execute a plan built around that. However, if a party member is unwilling to either give input or listen to any, Vladrek will soon lose interest both in that individual as well as that individual’s survivability. Vladrek is determined to protect the group’s survivability, not the “lone wolf” parasites that travel with them.

Personality Characteristics


Hopes to stop the return of Tiamat and possibly resurrect his wife.


Family Ties

Wives: Luciana Silverwing (Waterdeep) and Reyna Blackheart (Bryn Shaddar)

Religious Views

Vladrek follows Mystra, the Raven Queen, Selune, and Jergal.

Hobbies & Pets

Dexter, his black cat/raven tressym familiar.

A half-drow/half-moon elf necromancer, scholar, merchant lord, and nobleman of Waterdeep. While his methods were often morally grey at best and outright villainous at worst, his goals themselves are good.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Raven Lord. Lord of Nighthallow. Archmage of Necromancy. The Necromancer of Nighthallow. Master of Necromancy.
Date of Birth
28th of Uktar (The Rotting)
Baldur's Gate
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Ravenbane Manor
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Gray
5' 10"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin, Infernal, Mors, Orc, and Undercommon.


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