Elementalist Techniques

This section will organize the techniques and skills in order of ki cost and will have each technique define default values for the skills that fall under it. Many skills will change values or effects but are derivitave of the default technique.  

Attack Skills

  Elementalists have a special group of techniques and skills that focus on quick, potent attacks, that cost little to none of their life force. When you use an attack skill, it costs you no ki, and counts as an attack.  

Empowered Strike

  Transmition Attack Technique   Infusing your weapon with elemental power, you strike, doing extra damage to your target. The additional damage is equal to one Channeling Die.  
Name & Element Damage Damage Type AOE CC Healing Temp HP AC Bonus
Cinder Strike - Fire Channeling Die Fire 5' - - - -
Siphon Blade - Water Channeling Die Cold - - 1/2 of damage to self - -
Lightning Slash - Air Channeling Die Lightning - Chance to stun for 1 round, strength saving throw - - -
Shield Bash - Earth Channeling Die Bludgeoning - - - - +1 non-stacking, 1 round
Scalding Splash - Fire/Water Channeling Die Fire - - 1/2 of damage to self and allies within 5' if the target attacks - -
Abyss Flood - Water/Earth Channeling Die Cold - Chance to fall prone, dexterity saving throw. Causes the earth to cave in under them. - 1/2 of Channeling Die -
Dust Devil - Air/Earth Channeling Die Piercing - Chance to blind for one turn - - -
Plasma Strike - Fire/Air Channeling Die Radiant + Chance for fire on next round, dexterity saving throw None, has 10' reach - - - -
Hailstrike - Water/Air Channeling Die Piercing 5' All enemies within 5' have a chance of falling prone, strength saving throw - - -
Obsidian Spike - Fire/Earth Channeling Die Fire - - - Channeling Die -

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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