House of Antikles

The House of Antikles, more commonly known as just Antikles, is where the souls of the Eleutherians rest. Though it is his house, for the most part Antikles does not judge, punish, or reward the dead himself. Much of that is done by the Furies: Alekto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. They judge the dead, and oversee their afterlife. The gates of Antikles are guarded by the five-headed hound, Azeus, and the dead are ushered to its gates by Argos, the boatman of the Styx.


Though the pit of Antikles is overall quite abstract, it shapes itself into three distinct regions. Deep in the pit is Tartarus, where the dead are judged & punished, and where the physical House of Antikles is. If one could somehow climb its dark and slimy rock walls a distance higher than the sky is from the earth, one would reach the Asphodel Meadows. They are empty fields slowly spiraling upward, full of the souls of the dead cursed with mediocrity, those who did nothing in life. Eventually the meadows lead into Elysium, the resting place of heroes, guarded by Azeus.
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Cover image: by JULIAN CALLE