
One of the two final creation gods of the Kawakunese pantheon, responsible for the creation of Kawakuni, and many of the gods and spirits that now influence it. She and her male counterpart, Izanaki, were born from several generations of older gods leading back to the original three, who were born from where heaven meets the void. Together they created the islands that now make up Kawakuni, as well as many new gods. Finally they gave birth to three new gods: Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo. Amaterasu was given command of heaven and the earthly gods, Tsukyomi was given the domain of night, and Susanoo was given dominion over the sea. With Kawakuni in the new gods' hands, the creator gods departed to heaven. Izanami is still worshipped, but has no connection to mortals.
Divine Classification
Creator Goddess

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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