BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 04 - Library, Slums, Library... just make up your mind already.

General Summary

After securing the Craftsmen area, some members (Warlock) realize that Jane and Gun are still nowhere to be seen. While our Paladin is eager to get to the library, the others are having none of that and go look for Jane and Gun. They find them a bit outside of Lunaris and take them back to their new headquarters. The remaining soldiers make no fuss about an Ogre being inside the city and the party puts Gun to good use to protect their HQ. Then completely ignoring (Paladin) they head for the slums to deal with them their.   The Slums has tree entry points hidden within back alleys, so nobody can easily enter (or leave). While heading that way through one of the small sections, some notice that they're being followed. Calling out to them (and intimidating them a bit), one of them goes and gathers the leader of the slums. After what seems to be an eternity, a well-build human with a bare chest and rippling muscles comes into view, asking what the party wants. The party wants to get access to the slums (lying just a tiny bit), but the guy is refusing and says if they want to get in, they need to bring the head of the Imperator (their current boss). Thinking about fighting their way in, the party estimates that they're currently outnumbered 5-to-1 and decide not to be violent. Not taking the guy up on his, they go away again.   Back at HQ they come up with the idea to use Jane as a spy, but that idea is squashed at the end... So instead, they do go to the library.   Once at the square which houses the library and most magical shops within Lunaris, they see children trying to get away from imps, who try and grab them. Upon seeing this, the party runs in attacking any and all imps. They manage to save some children and when the battle is over, the children thank them. One of the children thanks (forgot) and sucks the memories from him, disappearing afterwards and leaving (forgot) in agony. After taking a quick rest, they "quickly" go through the multiple levels of the library, avoiding traps, being very lucky and kiling some more imps and the strange child-like apparitions.  On the top floor they see Haeri Steyels, a young wizard, sitting cross-legged hovering above a strange rune, muttering in Abyssal. In the middle of the room is a glowing red, half solid blob where multiple skeletal visages can be seen swirling around. Instantly several small children are summoned and they attack the party. After a grueling battle, the red amalgamation of souls is dead and Haeri Steyles lies unconscious on the floor.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Clear the Library
  • Report Date
    16 Jul 2024
    Primary Location


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