Rusalka Species in Fragmented Empire | World Anvil
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A Rusalka (plural: Rusalky) is a female water spirit, usually living in river banks or lakes. They are known for their song which can lure mortals to their watery death.  


  With pale white skin, flowing ebony hair that possesses a subtle blue or golden hue, and dark lips, Rusalky manifest as stunning women ranging in age from 20 to 40. Despite dwelling in frigid environs, they often adorn themselves with a shawl or translucent garments, although some choose to wear nothing at all. While there are songs that depict Rusalky clad in armor, there is insufficient evidence to substantiate such claims.  


  According to songs and legends, Rusalky are bound to bodies of water and are unable to venture far from their watery domains. Beyond a certain distance, they struggle to breathe and must swiftly return. However, when submerged, they exhibit exceptional swimming abilities and excel at utilizing their surroundings to conceal themselves and ambush their enemies. Rusalky, however, are not inclined towards combat. They rarely carry weapons and prefer to flee rather than engage in battle.   Their most renowned ability is their enchanting song, which can be heard over considerable distances. Once prey is charmed by their song, they are compelled to approach the Rusalka's side. By the time they reach her, she can cease singing.  


  Rusalky lead predominantly solitary lives, finding companionship in the victims ensnared by their beguiling songs, whether they be men or women. Depending on the Rusalka's alignment, they may either drown their victims or grant them the ability to breathe underwater, allowing them to reside with them beneath the waves. While they generally live apart from other Rusalky, it is not uncommon to witness them forming covens consisting of 5-6 Rusalky.   Despite being described as cold and forlorn creatures, relationships with mortals are not uncommon. However, such romances are destined to end in sorrow. Mortals with strong willpower may break free from the Rusalka's charms and leave them to their solitude. In other instances, the Rusalka may recognize that her companion is unhappy beneath the waves and willingly sever the bond or revoke their ability to breathe underwater, compelling them to return to the surface.  

Notable figures.

  Elysia, the Melancholic:   Once a wandering bard, Elysia was a beloved figure across the kingdom of Torran. Renowned for her mesmerizing voice and exceptional skill with the lute, she met her tragic demise falling from a cliff overlooking the Abernook Sea. The circumstances of her fall remain unclear, with some tales suggesting a fateful misstep while others hint at betrayal by a spurned lover. Numerous songs have been composed and sung, recounting her untimely end and subsequent transformation into a Rusalka. Most depict her as a generous and kind spirit who aids mortals and sometimes even falls in love with them, although the outcome is invariably sorrowful.   Morana, the Vengeful:   Whether she was a princess, a devoted cleric of Calistria, a respected council member, or the leader of a gang, one thing is certain about Morana—she held great importance within her community. However, her life met a gruesome end, betrayed by someone close to her. After her death, she lured victims into the cold waters of Silverlake. Many attempted to thwart her but ended up either dead or joining her side if deemed worthy. Morana met her ultimate fate in the bloody Battle of Silverlake, where she and her allies clashed with the Silver Scimitar company, leaving the shore strewn with corpses.   Lorelei:   Lorelei, a renowned figure in the Luminous Archipelago, is notorious for luring multiple ships to their doom on the rocks bearing her name. It is rumored that she was once a captain of a ship that was sunk by privateers. Following her demise, she returned as a Rusalka, drawing unsuspecting vessels to their destruction upon the treacherous rocks. Interestingly, Lorelei exclusively targets foreign ships, sparing those belonging to the Archipelago. As a result, she is celebrated among the native population, who leave offerings at altars near her habitat and actively oppose any efforts that may harm her.

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