The Pious Laws

The Pious Laws are a blueprint of a new doctrine created by DEPART, providing the humanist Humane a structured religion to follow,   A counter new religion to Sight's Rise, focusing instead of praying to the The Ten Gods of Origin World, they instead choose their gods from the Humane themselves, placing historical figures as examples to praise and study under.   It's being introduced by DEPART, and its gotten mixed reactions from the public. Some worry the focus on the pious from history will regress society as a whole, and others are simply averse to having the laws potentially being enforce by such a prominent and universal company as DEPART.   Rumors of DEPART worrying about Sight's Rise gaining popularity has prompted them to introduce their own controlled doctrine. Some believe there's an even deeper or darker intention than that.   Recently they've gotten attention as Legacy has started to declare their involvement in the religion.   Most of the exact information about the Laws are not available to the public, and are held under secrecy in DEPART until they are ready to release the doctrine.
"How are they going to try to start this thing without mentioning Ineriren Starold? She was the inspiration for this movement before they disowned her. Tell me she didn't literally write the handbook!"
-Opiniated Sight's Rise Follower
Those at Sight's Rise are divided about the appearance of The Pious Laws, mostly between pure and utter outrage, and feeling prideful for becoming a threat to DEPART's control.


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