Title of Effects Agent

A Frale position at the Department of Humane Research and Restrictions, also refered to as TEA or a T-Agent.   They act as a public service, and visit a household when a Frale recieves their power, or at the past the age of sixteen at which point they are considered Non Effective. The agent is essentially their voice to the department, they make regular visits depending on the need of the Effect, and are the middleman to the department.   They identify the Effect the Frale has, and issues their Frale License along with instructions and taxes assoicated with their Effect, and record the information for the department.   Since T-Agents can contact so many different Frale families, they are sometimes suspect to illegal activites or passing important information that's only for HRR's usage. If they are suspected of suspicious activites, a Humane agent is sent with them to inspect the households they are assigned to and report any odd or favorable activites.
Public Relations


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