A peek into the magical middle ages...
The once-great Carolingian empire is all but a memory as borders shift, wars rage, and wealthy lords and monasteries vie for control of their own piece of Europe. Meanwhile, it is only a matter of time before the threat looming in the north comes down to destroy them all. And holding them all together, unbeknownst to all but a few, the music of the spheres, the magic of the universe...
Francia is the setting for
Breaking the Silence and its eventual sequel
Taming the Beast, which follow Stephen, an orphaned prince who learns to harness the power of the spheres with his Cythara.
Enter Stephen's World.
Deep within Francia lies a forest that has rested largely undisturbed for the past nine hundred years. Here magic roams free when no humans are around to hear its music. But those who have an ear for the music of the spheres may be able to unlock its secrets.
Visit Teutobergerwald