Umbra Mining Gorge Settlement in Frantumare | World Anvil
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Umbra Mining Gorge

Per to its name, Umbra Mining Gorge is located around Umbra, outside the city of Adescheid. Frantumare's energy source, Eldsneyti, is mined here on daily basis. Though with the changes to the earth's crust with constant digging and earthquakes, the mines are slowly drying out.

Industry & Trade

The miners live in shacks built from dirt, courtesy to the Zemiyas that were generous enough to lend their energy. On daily basis, they mined the Eldsneyti and sells them to the Adescheid Medical Research Corporation (AMRC), however, at a low price. Sometimes the miners struggle to put food on the table and are more than willing to trade for food instead of Riel.   Despite the circumstances, they are able to survive due to the high demand of the crystals and how easy to search for them. It was when the crystals became scarce that they began to struggle greatly and often whipped and forced to scour the gorge in hopes to find a cluster of Eldsneyti. This cause the miners to compete and often cases of miners killing each other out of desperation rose. Sadly, the council in Adescheid does not care.

Natural Resources

Eldsneyti are mined commercially and distributed throughout Frantumare by the Adescheid Medical Research Corporation. This is due to the immense Inanis energy that are compressed within the crystals brought concerns to Human and Fera health. The corporation assures the population that the crystals are safe to consume as energy sources, provided they are not shattered prior usage.   The crystals are deep indigo color with darkness swirling within. Upon close inspection, the darkness has white specks resembling the stars, as if replicating the universe.
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