Existence and Interaction Between Men and Magic

Warning: This article is under construction. It is only public to serve as a reference point for interaction classes between magical creatures and humans.
There exists a plethora of creatures and plants of sorcerous origin. Or rather, there could exist a plethora of such things. They exist. And they do not. The common man, saints be praised, will go about his life without any encounter of sorcery. Because to the common man, species of magical origins are nonexistent. And to most species of magical origins, the common man simply does not exist.

How unfortunate then are the Druid and the Witch, sorcerers for whom such things exist? There are creatures lurking in the corners of their eyes, there are glowing plants creeping their way into their homes to take away their sleep. A wicked beast, sharp of claw, could behead a druid in the streets, and the common man would only see the body that slumped to the ground and a head rolling on the cobblestone. "Describe the insect that stung you," yells the physician to the witch suffering a severe allergic reaction from the bite of a fairy's blade. The physician knows no fairy, and knows no cure.

There are exceptions. Of course there are. Creatures, spirits, entities, both benevolent and malign. Little beings that thrives on pranking the humans that can't see them. Restless ghosts who may spend decades practicing just to make a single sound, determined to get help from the living to pass on. A sorcerer would see such things right away. But they barely exist to the common man. So what happens in places where sorcery is deemed illegal?
Interactability is divided into four classes:
  • Nullic Interaction (NI): This is the state where magical creatures and normal people cannot interact with each other. Sorcerers have a limited capability of interacting with these creatures, and the creatures have limited capabilities of interacting with sorcerers.
  • Asymmetric Interaction, Creature Dominant (AICD): This is the state where magical creatures can interact with or see people, but people can't interact with them. Sorcerers can interact with these creatures as normal.
  • Asymmetric Interaction, Human Dominant (AIHD): This is the state where people can interact with or see magical creatures, but magical creatures can't interact with them. Sorcerers can interact with these creatures as normal.
  • Mutual Interaction (MI): This is the state where people can interact with magical creatures and vice versa.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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