Nachtblut Cemetery Geographic Location in Freiberg | World Anvil

Nachtblut Cemetery

No one knows exactly how deep down the Syrneth ruins beneath Freiburg lie, but every year, people become hopelessly lost sneaking into catacombs beneath the old Nachtblut Cemetery to seek out the ruins themselves. Syrneth crystals and relics can be found all across the city, including a large and ancient statue in the middle of Conservatory Gardens. A Syrneth crystal, whose power keeps the tower from toppling down, in fact holds up the Wachtturm, the current offices of Niklas Träge himself. As if all the Syrneth relics didn’t make the city odd enough, the cemetery grounds are strewn with drachen bones, leading many to believe the city was built on an ancient drachen burial ground. Quarry Lake on the south side of the city is just shallow enough that treasure seekers often dive to the bottom in search of crystals or bones, only to be pulled down below by Horrors in the depths.   In fact, though crime contributes to a lot of the dangers in Freiburg, the Horrors that walk, swim and fly through the night make Freiburg an exciting place to visit. Whether searching the Marktplatz for Hexenwerk components illegal in other Eisen cities, or visiting the Bone Bridge at the end of High Road to explore the floating contraband market operated by the orphan-run street gang the Children of the Drachen, every person in Freiburg knows one inescapable truth: the city doesn’t just belong to them. In every shadow lurks a monster. That is the way of Eisen. But in the Free City, a citizen dedicates himself to living every day like his last, until the Horrors have disappeared or wild old Freiburg falls into ruin. So far, neither has happened, and so the great experiment of the Free City goes on.


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