The Drachenblut Military Formation in Freiberg | World Anvil

The Drachenblut

Once, Eisen was a land of warring tribes and monstrous creatures called drachen, who prowled the land and slept beneath what became known as the Dracheneisen Mountains. No one knows exactly what happened to them, but the legend of the Heroes who slew drachen in ancient days resonates across Eisen into the current difficult times. The people see the drachen as an important icon, the image of a sleeping power waiting to be reawakened in the land. In the years after the War, with no leader to bring the country together, the people of Eisen needed such a symbol to unite behind.   Enter the Drachenblut. Made up largely of errant knights, disenchanted Iron Guards and former soldiers, the Drachenblut are an organization born out of the idea that to heal Eisen, warriors must become as great and as strong as the drachen. A potential recruit travels across Eisen and braves the dangerous climb through the Horror-infested mountain passes to Burg Wachesherz, the home of the Drachenblut. There he trains for three years before being initiated into the organization.   Underneath the banner of a gold drachen with outstretched wings, the knights ride to protect the people of Eisen from all dangers, Horrors or otherwise. The image of these powerful warriors riding into town to save the day has inspired many to claim the Drachenblut the true saviors of Eisen and perhaps the ones to lead Eisen into the future.   They point to the organization’s leader, war veteran Rosamund Roth, as a powerful contender for chancellorship or even Imperator. Rosamund has never publicly denied interest in leading, but instead focuses her dedication on the Drachenblut and the suppression of monstrous threats across the country. The group otherwise takes no position or stance on politics, instead serving the greater good of all the people of Eisen.   The Drachenblut are not without their detractors. The Iron Guard bristles over what they perceive as a direct threat to their military and policing powers, and groups of Iron Guard have clashed with Drachenblut warriors over jurisdiction in several königreiche. And they are not wrong; the Drachenblut claim allegiance to Eisen as a whole and travel to any land within it to enact justice.   People are unnerved by rumors about Drachenblut initiations. Stories in which a recruit bathes in the blood of monsters, eats the hearts of animals or maybe bites into living animals with her bare teeth, just like a drachen did. Whether these are rumors to turn the people against the organization or a sinister truth, no one is certain. Burg Wachesherz is so secluded, few visit without the Drachenblut’s permission and live to tell the tale. While people question their methods and intentions, everyone agrees the Drachenblut are a Heroic, powerful force for good in a weary and barely recovering Eisen.   And they are recruiting. With the ever-present problems in Eisen, the Drachenblut spread the message far and wide: join the blood of the drachen, and become a force for change to shake the foundations of the world. A new member must only make pilgrimage to Burg Wachesherz after getting a member of the Drachenblut to vouch for him and survive the grueling trials before he can ride beneath the golden drachen banner.   They sometimes work with die Kruezritter, though their methods are less savory to the group of Horror hunters. Die Kruezritter fear that the Drachenblut are in danger of falling to Villainy. They also openly accept hexe into their ranks whenever they find them. Recently, the Drachenblut have announced a search for more dracheneisen weapons, an announcement met with derision and rage from the Iron Princes and their Iron Guard.


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