the Blushore Geographic Location in Frencal | World Anvil
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the Blushore


There are many wonders to admire under the rarefied atmosphere of the City of the One Prince, none more prettier and deadlier than the Blushore of Loch Blu at the foot of the One Prince's gardens and palace.
Most of the banks of Loch Blu are warded and protected, however, the western portion of the lake has been left unattended and is the home of a thriving community of farmers and fishermen. 

The Blushore's main attraction is the wonderfully clear and limpid shallow waters of its shores, home to the prized algae called the Purple Strand.
Lagoons after lagoons stretch for miles only punctuated by the colourful banks of the purple weed sheltering a lively, if somewhat dangerous fauna, among its brittle strands.

However the main spectacle appears at night when the algae show off its phosphorescence and illuminates the lagoons of an unearthly pale blue light.

Population and Ecosystem

  Colourful and prosperous farming communities have long settled along the low swell of the loch's sandy dunes and make a roaring trade from the lake's resources.
Many farmers have long supplied the Knights and their families as well as the Prince's household. The Blueshore's farmer and fisher guilds are very well connected and pretty much untouchable.

Within the last fifty years under the initiative of newly landed individuals within the City, an emerging tourism industry has slowly developed. 
Rich merchants and genteel families have taken to go for outings on the dunes.
Some have even acquired properties along the shores and transformed them into leisure homes.
In the refined sections of the City, it has become fashionable to hold dinner parties under the phosphorescent light of the lagoons. 

Following the 'rush to the shore' as it is sometimes termed by the citizenry, a spate of guest houses, restaurants and bars have been established beside the most well-known beauty spots, often replacing the more rough and traditional fisher pubs that were once the norm.


Even if tempting, the waters of the loch are very dangerous to swim in. The lake is rife with poisonous species of fish or shellfish, and home to the fabled Black Fin, an aggressive type of shark that has identified the living creatures milling on the lakeshore as its preferred source of food.

However, despite the obvious dangers, the lagoons are so pretty and its waters so cool and refreshing that it still attracts bathers and swimmers willing to brave its dangers.
So much so that, mages have been employed to repel dangerous creatures from the lagoons to allow their wealthy employers to enjoy its crytal waters in relative safety.  



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