Claw of Cerberus - Spooktober 2023

The Claw of Cerberus is an historical item currently exhibited in the Levantide Museum in Elegia. The museum was gifted the item following the death of renowned monster hunter Leonis McGarren by the family of the deceased. It is rumored that the claw belonged to Cerberus itself, the mythical beast and protector of Hell , which McGarren supposedly retrieved after facing the monster during an expedition into the fiery pits.   Many have questioned the veracity of this tale and, therefore, the authenticity of the claw for various reasons. For one, humans are not supposed to be able to enter Hell alive, let alone return unscathed. Secondly, Cerberus is depicted throughout various sacred texts as being capable of fighting off whole armies of angels and even gods themselves. How McGarren, a simple human, could have managed both feats remains a mystery, but his heirs still defend the claim to this day.


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