Naga - Spooktober 2023

The Slithering Death

Nagas are a type of seadwelling demon that mainly prey on sailors and fishermen within tropical and equatorial regions. They are very territorial and will kill any mortal that is foolish enough to sail within their territory.   While singular Nagas rarely leave the sea, colonies of Nagas like to organize hunts on the surface. They target isolated and undefended villages or any wandering soul they can find.   Most earth-based species have learned to avoid sailing into known established naga territories and to protect themselves from raids, but sea-based species like the Merfolks regularly attempt to deal with them and while also tracking new Nagas emergencing from Hell.   Nagas are characterized by their humanoid bust and their serpent-like tail where legs would be. The way they move on land and their deadliness has earned the Naga the nickname The Slithering Death.


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