The Clockbearer - Spooktober 2023

The Clockbearer is a mysterious seeminlgy humanoid figure randomly appearing at the location of disasters or horrific tragedies. It so-called after the old timewatch it keeps looking at when it manifests, never actually taking its eyes, if it has any, off of it.   No one knows what its intentions are nor what it truly is, for no one has been able to communicate with it or even approach it, and not for lack of trying, as the Clockbearer vanishes as fast as it appeared.   Over the past century, it has been alledgedly photographed and recorded countless times all over the globe. It is a particularly debated topic on the DigiNet, with believers and skeptics fighting over whether the Clockbearer is even real or fake, many calling it a hoax. Others disagree on whether it is merely there to observe, or it is actually responsible for the incidents it is seen at.


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