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The Deity

  To the Andeamer, their home world is one of their deities. Ënokh is the father of the andeamer; their sole creator. Their genesis tells Ënokh was slain by Akhemaaz and from his death arose the planet they inhabit. The Void-God resuscitated Ënokh to allow the life that now covers him to flourish, but Ënokh is not the same as he was before. He is a deep sleep, a sleep the Andeamer do not know if he will awake from. They believe Ënokh provides plenty for all life and given his divine nature, the geography and foliage of their planet is sacred. The priests and priestess of Märaak teach how to live with the bounty Ënokh has given from his death; they preach tenets of non-wastefulness, stabilization of eco-systems, and the observable order of life. Stabilization has become their biggest pursuit in recent decades to keep Andeamer advancement from destabilizing the delicate balance of their world.  

The World

  Ënokh is the home-world of the Andeamer. It is the third planet from their sun in system of nine planets. Ënokh is larger than Earth, but has mostly the same composition and can be survivable for human life, but ts gravity is noticeably weaker and the average temperature across Ënokh is also much cooler than Earth's. Ënokh's landmasses are centered close together in the Northern hemisphere above its equator. The largest is Ënokhïa. Surrounding the main continent are smaller islands and archipelagos such as Telehgos and Brïrryg. The North pole contains the most ice sheets and glacial formations resting above the continent. The South pole is an inhospitable place made up of a small archipelago, covered by an enormous glacial sheet.   The main continent of Ënokhïa is split into five provinces; Zyendil Maar, Den Svyärr, Mäsvell Dinmaar, Vindyarr Khrïn, and Vinde Yal Mäsvyel. The Southern most region is Den Svyärr. This province is a desert and retains little to no life, however it is rich in ores and minerals. The landscape of Ënokhïa varies between frigid mountains and lush fields of green to the wastes of Zyendil Maar in its center and the warmer mountains and beaches of Mäsvell Dinmaar. The isles of Telehgos and Brïrryg are mostly unmapped except for a few outer islets and the Western-facing shores. Far satellite images show it covered in dense forests and possibly uneven, rocky, and mountainous like Mäsvell Dinmaar.  

Zyendil Maar

Zyendyl Maar, the "scorched range" in Ënokhan, however it wasn't always called that. Zyendil Maar lies in the center of Enokh, bordering Mäsvell Dinmaar, Den Svyärr, and Vindyarr Khrïn. It is a desolate, flat wasteland recalling events from some ten thousand years prior. No life of any kind can be seen on the surface, except for the brave traveling caravans and merchants. Still radioactive on the surface, but not enough to deter Andeamer from visiting the deep catacomb city or researchers from venturing into the ruins of Nir Rizaal and Ryverfaal.  

Mäsvell Dinmaar

West of Zyendil Maar and north of Den Svyärr, is Mäsvell Dinmaar. This province is thick with lush and beautiful forests. The natural mountain of its borders acts as its means of keeping this province comfortably warm. Many natural resources have made Mäsvell Dinmaar one of the wealthiest provinces. Thousands of kingdoms span this land, many resting on its coasts and in the natural crescent bay or on the islands surrounding.  

Vindyarr Khrïn

To the Northeast, is the province of Vindyarr Khrïn. Just as fertile and lush as Mäsvell Dinmaar, however what truly makes this province successful is its flat land. Endless flat fields allow for far more practical farming to support larger cities and settlements. However, Vindyarr Khrïn has fewer cities than Mäsvell Dinmaar, but supports a larger population throughout the province and utilizes much more land than could ever be developed in the tropical region.

Vinde Yal Mäsvyel

To the far North, under a heavy blanket of snow, is Vinde Yal Mäsvyel. Vinde Yal Mäsvyel is the coldest province, the most unforgiving, and the smallest. The entire province encompasses two, very small cities, and the Temple of Mazarath. The Andeamer of this province love their land and live very comfortable in the snow despite very little comforts. Scattered throughout this province are various nomadic tribes. Some have small settlements in the mountain ranges, but many remain nomadic and follow their food sources. Typically, these tribes move towards the foothills during the winter and in the summer and spring return to the mountains. The people of Vinde Yal Mäsvyel are renowned for their survival skills as well as hardened beauty. These Andeamer appear to be snow-white, often with silvery eyes and hair.  

Den Svyärr

The southernmost province is Den Svyärr. It is a desert. Barren and lacking life, however it is not like the deserts of Earth. Den Svyärr would be cool to any human occupants, but it is too warm for Andeamer. Andeamer have avoided this province for some time as its only resources are found in mining. The Valgaartiran is the only nation to establish a permanent presence, however only to house workers while others do not believe it a viable reason to stay within the province.
Divine Classification

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