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Dïbe is the lady of law and governance. She is the deity the Andeamer look to for direction and base their governing styles on whether its a monarchy or the democratic multi-house directed council of the Valgaartiran. She represents legitimate rule and the means of seizing and establishing power through legitimate channels as well as the world of law in the same regard. Dïbe's sphere incorporates the houses of the Andeamer as well and the laws they must adhere to in their regulation, organization, and maintaining the tradition of the shïathyeriin.

Dïbe and Fesäd are often referenced as being twin sisters. Their divine niche is similar and often may intertwine in situations where needed. Because of this, Dïbe and Fesäd are often shown together in art and stories. However, their clergy and temple exist completely separately, but aren't shy about intermingling and usually work together when needed. Within the Dirrag, the chapter of Vothihyaal concerns the spheres of the thïsenyärr including Dïbe's in exhaustive detail.

Divine Domains

Dïbe’s institution concerns matters of law and justice and its priests and priestesses are summoned concerning such matters across Ënokh. The priests and priestesses of Dïbe are referred to when it comes to any legal matters or disputes. These positions are held only by those in the temple of Dïbe and because of their nature, becoming a priests or priestess of Dïbe often takes several centuries. Many hold positions within various governing bodies solely for legal matters within that nation, but are not a part of that governing entity. They are not allowed biases in their positions so any loyalty or allegiance of the priest or priestess is owed entirely to the laws of Dïbe.

The serving priests or priestess must adhere to laws of Dïbe and the governing body they serve so long as the laws of that country do not contradict that of Dïbe. They vow to uphold these laws even if they may disagree with them, step-down at any time and relieve themselves of their position, and maintain their practice to the best of their ability. The priests and priestesses of Dïbe are the ones who oversee the tradition of grievances between individuals and houses. Grievances arise when an Andeamer or House perceives slight or insult from another. These can be serious matters often concerning reputation or the House’s livelihood. To pursue grievances is to pursue justice. First the slighted must petition council from a priest or priestesses of Dïbe or even a High Priestess of Mazarath should one be more convenient. The priests’ or priestesses’ mission here is to calm the situation. They will hold council with the individuals or Houses in order to avoid conflict. Should this fail then they may sanction grievances and the slighted individual or Houses form their entourages.

The entourage is a collection of members of one’s House that will attend the duel and fight on behalf of their House. The entourages of both Houses meet at a set date and time given by the priest or priestess of Dïbe who will also attend to see that the duel itself is just. Accompanying the priest or priestess is usually their own entourage called the dithyärr. The dithyärr are a particular rank in the temple of Dïbe and Fesäd; they are neutral warriors whose sworn oath is to uphold the ideologies of their gods and to protect Andeamer from injustice, often among themselves. The dithyärr are essentially there to keep duels from getting out of hand. They are skilled, unmatched warriors only subordinate to the High Priestesses of Mazarath in martial skill.

Just as with the duels between representatives of entire nations as per the code of Fesäd states, the victor wins whatever conflict occurred between parties. This may be a better reputation, but also soils the reputation or status of the losing House. The goal of this duel, whether in group or individually, is never death. In fact, it is divine law,

“No seeker of grievances is allowed to end the life of another without full sanction from the lips of Mazarath’s earthly representative.”


The month of Dïbe is during the height of Ënokh's summer. The days are longer and in some southern most regions, the sun doesn't completely set. All through out Ënokh, it is comfortable warm and Andeamer have more time in the day to enjoy clear skies and all the various summer festivals devoted to Dïbe. Abundance and peace is often attributed to her because of her sphere and naturally so are these festivals as they show what Andeamer can accomplish in times of peace given to them by Dïbe's order.

These festivals of abundance vary nationally and regionally. In Mäsvell Dinmaar, many of these festivals are dedicated to art, whether it is basket-weaving or sculpting granite and music as well. Food is also a popular side-show at these festivals, but not always the main attraction. At every festival, an effigy of Dïbe watches over at the center. Here Andeamer also leave various tokens for the goddess, from food to crafts to show appreciation for the lady of order.

Divine Classification

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