Mazarath Character in From the Void | World Anvil
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Mazarath is the mother of the Andeamer. She is the Empress of the divine realm in which the thïsenyär and athehlï inhabit. Like, Ënokh and many of her vassals, Mazarath is an ätherä. Mazarath is said to reside in Ursanistyn, her own realm inhabited by her athehlï and physical home of the thïsenyär. The tallest mountain range of Vinde Yal Mäsvyel also holds the name of her realm as it is beleive one may be able to reach her realm from here, the gateway to her realm lies above in the stars, specifically the one know as Ursa Major. These seven stars appear brightest and consistent above here. Each one is names after the seven thïsenyärr.

The creation myths of the andeamer tell of a long struggle between Mazarath and Akhemaaz. It is not clarified why, but this struggle remains to this day and it is this same struggle Mariax Stygal used against Akhemaaz when the Abyssal King murdered Ënokh and abducted the primordial andeamer. Mazarath characterized by her protective nature of the andeamer whereas Ënokh is nurturing of the andeamer. She is a guiding force, promising to keep the andeamer from the corruption of the Void.

One pivotal moment for Mazarath was a celestial battle between her and Akhemaaz. In this battle, both delivered blows to shatter their being. Mazarath was said to lose seven pieces of herself and from these pieces Mariax Styga forged the thïsenyärr. Neither ätherä or sädthäsan, the thïsenyär govern mortal spheres and add to Mazarath's guidance.

Mazarath's divine followers are called vassals, or athehlï in Ënokhan. They are ätherä loyal to only her and can be found in the background of any imagery of the mother-goddess; the athehlï may also be devoted to a particular thïsenyärr. Some are known by name, but generally remain ambiguous. Ätherä are known to inhabit Ënokh in various forms and locations, but just because they are ätherä does not mean they are friendly. The athehlï of Mazarath are mostly found on holy grounds or historic sites that have some significance to her and these athehlï are wholly benevolent, but not without autonomy. These spirits can be conversed with like any of the living, but the ätherä are also known for peculiar ticks and habits so one might not always find what they seek. Mazarath's vassals are typically sought out for guidance and blessings.

The 3rd Epoch

In the first few months of the 3rd Epoch, something happened and the mother-goddess that inhabited the sactum of the first temple turned to stone. The events leading up to the Great War and fracturing of Nir Rizaal are still a mystery and one that the historical accounts in the Dirrag shed no light on. Historians are still piecing the puzzle together today from what remains. Ultimately, much of the blame for the disappearance of Mazarath and the thïsenyärr falls upon the mysterious figure known as the Black Prophet.

In Nir Rizaal's center was once a temple or structure in which Mazarath physically inhabited. Today, it lays deep within the ruins, far below the surface and is so challenging to reach, it has not been thoroughly studied. The central sactum remains intact, standing tall and proud above a chasm of debris and ruin. In this sanctum a woman of cloud stone reclines upon a plush sofa and stares into the abyss. She is approximately 6 meters in length and weighs about 3 tons. This statue is amazingly still intact with but a layer of dust dulling her perfect marble-white complexion. She is donned in a satin gown to match, hood drawn, and her horns are encased in gold. She has no distinctive features as this statue was never colored by paint not are the facial features very descriptive beyond that of a soft, feminine appearance.

In her rotunda, ancient frescoes of her, the thïsenyär, and athehlï tell the story of Ënokh and the andeamer. Much of these ancient and magnificent murals are still being restored from the images captured when this chamber was first discovered in 10,042 A.W. by an excavation of the Valgaartiran Academy. The renowned Mä Dvaar Khärranï stumbled upon the site when a minor quake occurred at their outpost. He noticed the quake had a peculiar echo and investigated their surrounding area which appeared to be solid rock. However a fateful shown was the ground beneath them that was not as sturdy and turned out to be a roof of the temple merely disguised by a layer of sediment. Luckily, Mä Dvaar was not injured or in serious danger when the roof gave out under his foot.


The month of Mazarath is the most holy of months given it is mid spring and named after the Mother. This is the month of harvest across Ënokh. During this month, the festivals of bounty are held in all provinces and cities dedicated to thanking Mazarath and Ënokh and enjoying what they have given the andeamer. Many festivals center around culinary feats and the life brought back by Mälgraz the month before. During the last week of this month, the temple of Mazarath at the peak of Ursanistyn sees the most pilgrims. This is also the month in which prospective High Priestess of Mazarath are ordained after completing their trials.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

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