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The Void

We mustn't speak so lightly of such a dreadful place.
I'm sure you hear that too much. Any observer of the void soon disregards our first principle once they become to intimately familiar with it and so you won't hear it from me. I will admit my familiarity extends beyond anything you may have encountered with others in our field. That will be true for you as well. Our kind of veherrihs are immune to the void thus we make the best investigators (and causes for jealousy in those who are not us or perhaps I just have that effect on people). And to satiate your curiosity, yes, that is why I chose you as my understudy; disregarding your shortcomings elsewhere. I like to be challenge and if you walk away from me knowing nothing new at all, then I have met my match, Vinsähn Of-No-House. If you walk away from me knowing less than what you came with, well I will have truly outdone myself.
I digress, just remember you do not have to be as serious as the material you study.
To begin, your first lesson is everything must be prefaced with the sentence: Not everything is as it seems. The mantra of the Void-God holds true to everything, even what lies outside the void. I hold no reservation in using my god-given talents and neither should you. I have walked many worlds of the void. They are nothing like what the common, fearful rabble believe. I have seen worlds like our own, devoid of life, but just as you see it now. I have had long and deep conversations with the beings of this existence of nearly every topic imaginable. I know many by their name and these beings have come to my aid just as I would for them when they call upon me. Of course just as you have experience with people, not all are friendly. I have my enemies here and naturally you will accrue some as well.   A fragment of a letter, author unknown.

The void is the realm of the strange and often malevolent creatures know as voids. However, it's laws and layout are completely unknown to those outside the void. Any unbiased account of this place is next to nonexistent. The andeamer gain all their knowledge of it from the Dirrag and the High Priestesses of Mazarath. Humans are quicker to equate it to hell, but that idea is not very pervasive among them and just as loose as any cultural idea the andeamer have. Allied research between the andeamer and humans has given a better understanding of the void, but also creates more questions than answers of this mysterious realm.

The geography and layout of the void appears to be fluid and ever changing. Instead of using a map or memorizing surroundings, it is easier to know the tells of who's territory one finds themselves in. The greater voids are the most well known beings and thought to be the most powerful given how pervasive their attributed spheres are and the legions of lesser beings that follow them. The tells of their layouts are much more well documented and easily recognizable. Other, lesser known beings may have their own territories carved out; some names are documented in the Dirrag and accounts from High Priestesses of Mazarath. Environments vary widely. Some have been described as being no different to what is observed on Earth or Ënokh and others jarringly alien.
Alternative Name(s)
The Abyss
Dimensional plane
Included Locations

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