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Zyendil Maar

Zyendyl Maar, the "scorched range" in Ënokhan, however it wasn't always called that. Zyendil Maar lies in the center of Enokh, bordering Mäsvell Dinmaar, Den Svyärr, and Vindyarr Khrïn. It is a desolate, flat wasteland recalling events from some ten thousand years prior. No life of any kind can be seen on the surface, except for the brave traveling caravans and merchants. Still radioactive on the surface, but not enough to deter Andeamer from visiting the deep catacomb city or researchers from venturing into the ruins of Nir Rizaal and Ryverfaal.

The Catacomb city beneath the scorched soil of Zyendil Maar is the only destination for travelers in Zyendil Maar. The city stretches deep below the surface, into the cool stone and soil. Tunnels are the roads and caves either become houses or plazas. Despite being carved into solid rock, the Catacomb city is beautiful, mesmerizing, and easy to get lost in. The city is an independent city state, although reliant on the Valgaartiran for protection along the highways. The people of Zyendil Maar have lived underground for centuries. In appearance, those who stay long underground are pale, sickly almost, but not sick. Their eyes adapt to never seeing the sun and commonly, the locals have Mazarath eyes. The natives of the Catacomb city easily know their way around the maze of tunnels and even explore the natural tunnels that extend deeper, however dangerous; there are many tales of strange occurrences and sightings of unknown creatures lurking within the deepest parts of the Catacomb city.

Most of the Catacombs are closed off since some passageways are unmapped or very dangerous to traverse. One of the many uncharted and mysterious tunnels is The Path to Meet Our Father. This path is an ancient pilgrimage dating to the height of Nir Rizaal and possibly earlier. The actual path is believed to extend several miles and possibly caved in. It is unknown where the path leads, since there are many forks. The Path to Meet Our Father has yet to be accurately mapped.

Travelers have nothing to fear if luxury and modern technology are required in their travels. Zyendil Maar, in the newer carved chambers, are no different from the plazas of the Valgaartiran, complete with heat lamps and artificial sun-lights. The extensive use of artificial sun-lights has allowed Zyendil Maar to support its own farming, albeit they rely heavily on fertilizer from Mäsvell Dinmaar and Vindyarr Khrïn for their many underground farms.

Another must see in Zyendil Maar, which also cannot be avoided, is the Grand Catacombs of the Priestesses. The lifts lowering into the Catacombs give a spectacular view of the final resting places of the High Priestesses of Mazarath from across the centuries. They lay within square pockets in the stone, in full armor and regalia complete with their scepters and shields. None of the Priestesses look as if they are dead thanks to secretive embalming rituals only the Temple of Mazarath knows. Even when modern High Priestesses die, they are interred into the Grand Catacombs.

Originally the Grand Catacombs were never apart of the Catacomb city. They were separate passages and the Grand Catacombs were originally an enormous mausoleum built underneath the first Temple to Mazarath, but much of Nir Rizaal was displaced and disfigured under the atomic bombs. However much of the original mausoleum is still intact and visible today. The Catacomb city isn’t the only center of civilization in Zyendil Maar. The only other city in Zeoendyl Maar, or settlement for that matter, is the Spires on the Sea. The Spires lie on the coast of the Thrashing Sea. The Spires live up to their name as the Spires extend hundreds of miles high. The city in the Spires extends underground and to the balcony that overlooks the Thrashing Sea. The people here live comfortably above ground without worrying of Radiation and live under House Rihvaaz.

The Spires of the Sea lives in stark contrast to that of the Valgaartiran. All are welcome to the Spires and citizenship is not required, squatting is allowed, and crime is often an unchallenged occupation. House Rihvaaz has made no effort to change the Spires on the Sea and has made no hints to changing the city. The Spires on the Sea is often described as a “Free City” in which only the land is owned by House Rihvaaz. Many flock here to escape the bureaucracy and law of more civilized nations. Despite the lack of a government, The Spires on the Sea does well for itself and has yet to fall into the sea.

The Spires on the Sea is a common interest to sociologist and scholars alike as to how it functions. The Spires has no government, no currency, no citizenship, and nobody truly owns anything, albeit for the House which owns the land. The people of the Spires live independently, often by questionable means despite saying they are true to Mother Mazarath. Surprisingly the Spires on the Sea maintains an air-port to, unsurprisingly, illegal airships. The Spires is well known for coordinating trade with other “Free Cities”, whether or not these good are truthfully come upon is up to debate.

The Imperial Highway offers protection from the unsteady and cracked soil of Zyendil Maar. It rises some hundred feet off the ground on sturdy pillars of cloud-stone. The Imperial Highway is maintained by the Valgaartiran and stationed with a dedicated guard trained for the harsh environment of Zyendil Maar as well as the feared tribals that roam the land. The tribal Zyendil Maar natives are reclusive and hostile. They live in tribes that travel in the radiation zone many civilized Andeamer dare not go. Those who have seen them claim they barely look Andeamer, lacking horns, and suede-skin, as well as communication skills. Since the addition of the Imperial Highway in 10,706 A.W., deaths due to the tribals has been diminished greatly as they don’t bother venturing onto the Highway.

Some archaeologist expeditions backed by the Temple of Marëkhs supposedly have extensive information about these tribals, but of course, the Temple of Marëkhs is as reclusive as ever. Sanctioned and legal expeditions have backed the claims of non-hostile groups of tribal Zeoendyl Maar natives, but the lack of a similar language makes learning of them difficult. On the surface, the enormous spire walls of the Khehdïa crater can be seen for miles from all direction. On a clear day, some of the towers of old Enokhïa can be seen as well. However venturing into these lands in dangerous and reserved for dedicated archaeologist and researchers. The city of Nir Rizaal lies in the center of Zeoendyl Maar, deep within the radiation zone only tribals dare venture. The Imperial Highway offers a good view of Nir Rizaal for miles at the Midway. Researchers have estimated that Nir Rizaal covered much of Zeoendyl Maar in either farming or villages and the city itself may have extended as far as the Catacombs’ entrance.


The entire province of Zyendil Maar is charted as all land below the natural mountain borders of Mäsvell Dinmaar stretching to the walls of the Vindyarr Khrïn plateau. The surface of Zyendil Maar is barren, dry and infertile soil. This desolate flatland appears to stretch on as far as one can see, however move beneath the surface and you will find a thriving world.   Beneath Zyendil Maar is an intricate system of natural and Andeamer-made tunnels, caves, and vartious passages built from the collapse of the ancient city of Nir Rizaal. Much of these tunnels were the results of volcanoes that still dot the region or were created by the ancient Andeamer who once lived here. An aggressive earthquake brought some part of the city's outskirts below the surface, collapsing much of the artificial cave system. In the year 2,197 A.W. House Katekhan claimed the new ruins as their own. Before them, travelers through Zyendil Maar would use the convenient collapse as shelter and later evolved into a trading center all travelers would stop at before crossing the other half of Zyendil Maar.   House Katekhan expanded further into the subterranean systems over the centuries. Largely funded by the Temple of Mïzärn and other organizations with interest in studying the province and ruins of Nir Rizaal. Today, an entire city thrives below the surface throughout these tunnels. During expansion some paths have intersected older ones that pre-date the current inhabits. Many of these tunnels are unexplored and closed off to citizens. Sections connected to active volcanic systems have been sealed off and reinforced to prevent any flow or gases getting to close to the city.

Fauna & Flora

Only at the very edges of province one may find flora clinging to life. Below the surface, the Catacomb city maintains its own farms in artificial eco-systems using sun-lamps and sun-roofs. The sun roofs act as enormous windows that can be opened to let in sun-light and closed during dust storms. However, the city relies on fertilizers from Mäsvell Dinmaar and Vinyarr Khrïn and dedicated plant biologists to maintain healthy subterranean farms.

On the surface it is difficult to come across healthy prey animals Andeamer commonly eat. Some livestock is maintained by the Catacomb city, however available land to raise and maintain majority of the species Andeamer rely on is scarce. Trade with caravans and the merchant houses from Vindyarr Khrïn and Mäsvell Dinmaar keep a steady supply of healthy livestock free of radiation taint.

Some peculiar critters live below the surface, mostly burrowing insects, but also one species of warm-blooded animal. The burrowing insects of Zyendil Maar are quite large and mostly harmless things, but occasionally are a problem. They are harvested for consumption by the Catacomb city. One species, the hard-shelled surveyor, is the result of generations of domestication and breeding. The hard-shelled surveyor is the largest surveyor, giving a bountiful yield of meat, but also tough chitin with a variety of uses. The clawed-päshäkh is hairless and mostly blind burrowing animal, but also a nuisance in large numbers. Päshäkhs are known for their exceptionally fast reproduction and digging skill. On average they weigh 400-500 lbs and stand a foot taller than the average Andeamer coupled with four claws on their front arms and low intelligence can make them difficult to handle. They are used primarily in excavations for new tunnels, but their numbers must be culled otherwise they can eat their weight in hard-shelled surveyors throughout the day and quickly destabilize their own populations. Aside from imports, the päshäkhs are the only source of non-insect proteins.

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