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Frost Giant's Dale

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A northern valley that was gouged from the earth by monumental glaciers from a recently receded Ice Age. It was once the frontier outpost of a world spanning empire that has fallen into myth and legend. A longstanding Dwarven fortress in the Northern reach of the Spine of the Colossus is home to a Mountain Dwarf clan who has laid claim to these parts since the Age of Empire and a Druidic sect of Forest Elves live among the Elder Forests to the South, home to huge Conifer and Deciduous trees that have been magically tended to by the Elves since before the Unending Snows and the Age of Ice. Now the region is predominately home to Humans who recently have experienced an Age of Peace after a years long war with banditry following the fall of a Dynasty. The core belief of these people has recently come under division as a new cult starts to take hold that views their current Gods under the light of a differing Ideology.

Frost Giant's Dale