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Alchemy is an art, a science, and a speculative philosophy concerned with exploring and understanding the fundamental nature of the multiverse, and how such an understanding can be used to achieve mastery over it. To take the building blocks of existence and combine them to create something greater than the sum of its parts.   In this chapter, you will learn the basics of practical alchemy, including methods for combining mundane substances with magical essence to create powerful elixirs, oils, potions, and powders.   The first section, “Potioncraft”, presents the basic rules of alchemical crafting. This section is followed by a detailed list of all the alchemical items known and studied at the alchemical schools of the Arcanum. Alchemy is a subject that fascinates many. A lord might appreciate the utility of potions, while a scholar might find value in a better understanding of the world. The well-heeled will feel safer with an antidote in their pocket, but not trust others to make it. However, a curious mind is the most important catalyst.  


Practical alchemy is known as potioncraft, and is the art of mixing magical essences (known to alchemists as “reagents”) with other ingredients to create potions and other wondrous items.  

Craft Components

Creating alchemical items requires magical reagents and an alchemical base. Some recipes have additional requirements, such as casting a spell.  

Alchemical Bases

All alchemical crafting requires a base—a foundation on which the item is created. Some bases are catalysts that facilitate a chemical reaction, while others are a key component in a mixture. As a general rule, the more powerful the item, the more costly the base. Activated Charcoal: Finely-ground carbon with a high surface area for improved absorption. Used in medicine to absorb ingested substances.  
Alcohol is naturally-occurring ethanol, fermented over time and then distilled to varying degrees of purity. Alcohol is used as a base for creating alchemical potions.  
Aluminum Powder:
This rare metal is used to produce thermite due to its high melting point. Aluminum is more valuable than an equivalent weight in gold.  
This common element is found in sulfide and sulfate minerals and produces a noxious gas when burned. Also used to create oil of vitriol.  
Flash Powder:
A mixture of saltpeter, magnesium powder, and linseed oil. Flash powder is a primary component of nonlethal explosives.  
Soap combined with a mineral or plant oil. Grease is used as a base for creating alchemical oils.  
A flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture used for torches and incendiary devices.  
Powder Oil:
This powerful explosive oil is a primary component of dynamite. Due to its propensity to detonate when subjected to shocks, powder oil must remain frozen while being transported.  
Nitrated salts used in the formulation of nitric acid and various explosive powders.  
White Phosphorus:
This volatile phosphorus allotrope ignites when exposed to air, and is primarily used to create smoke, illumination, and incendiary devices.   Alchemical bases can be purchased from apothecaries and other dealers in alchemist’s supplies at prices shown in the Alchemical Bases table. The costs shown are for one unit, which is the amount required for a single craft attempt. Outside of large settlements, more exotic bases might be limited in supply or unavailable.  

Alchemical Bases Table

Name Availability Cost
Fine spirit General 10 gp
Aqua vitae Limited 50 gp
Rectified spirit Specialist 200 gp
Calcium grease General 10 gp
Lithium grease Limited 50 gp
Urea grease Specialist 200 gp
Other Types
Activated charcoal General 10 gp
Aluminum powder (8 oz) Limited 25 gp
Brimstone General 10 gp
Flash powder General 10 gp
Naphtha General 10 gp
Powder oil Limited 25 gp
Saltpeter General 10 gp
White phosphorus General 10 gp


“Reagent” is jargon used by alchemists, referring to magical essences. Magical essences have six aspects, as shown in the Reagents table. Each is denoted by a special glyph, which is common notation used by alchemist and wizard alike.  


Aspect Symbol Aspect Symbol


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