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This is a slightly modified version from the Heavy Arms: Complete Armor's Handbook.  

Armor and Shields

This section is intended to compliment and expand on the "Armor and Shields" section in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook.  

Armor Revisions

The Revised Armor table is intended to replace the Armor table found in the Player's Handbook. Previous names are referenced in brackets for the purposes of class equipment selection.  

Armor Descriptions

The following new types of armor have been added to the Revised Armor table:   Brigandine. Brigandine is a sturdy coat of layered linen or leather lined with small steel plates riveted to the fabric.   Cuirass. A type of armor formed of a single or multiple pieces of metal that cover the torso. A cuirass generally refers to both a chest plate and back piece together.   Gambeson. A gambeson is a padded defensive jacket, either worn separately or as an underlay for heavier types of armor. It can also double as a winter coat.   Hauberk. A hauberk is a shirt of mail that reaches at least to mid-thigh and includes sleeves.   Lamellar. This is a type of body armor made from small rectangular plates (scales or lamellae) of iron, leather, or bronze laced into horizontal rows.  

Armor Properties

The "Properties" column in the Revised Armor table replaces the previous "Stealth" column, with the following definitions:   Disadvantage (Stealth). You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while wearing this armor.
Special (Tower Shield). You can't make opportunity attacks while holding this shield.  

Upgrading Armor

There are a number of options available to a character to upgrade their armor, from high-cost armor proofing, to to useful additions like insulation suitable for cold weather environments. A complete list of these options, as well as cost and any additional requirements, are shown in the Armor Upgrades table on the following page. In addition to the basic rules for upgrading, the following rules apply when upgrading a suit of armor or a shield with a new tag: • Any prerequisite conditions must be satisfied to apply a new tag, as shown in the Armor Upgrades table.
  • Typically, it takes an artisan a full day of work (minimum 8 hours) to upgrade a suit of armor or a shield with a new tag.
  • Armor Proofing. The proofing process normally requires a full workweek (5 days), and can only be undertaken by a master artisan. Once added, armor proofing tags can't be removed from a suit of armor.

Armor Proofing

The primary method of upgrading armor, proofing is the process of testing and improving a suit of armor's ability to withstand blows.  

Other Upgrades

In addition to proofing, various other upgrades are available to armors meeting the prerequisites for each, as shown in the Armor Upgrades table. Certain upgrades are incompatible, such as the breathable and insulated tags, while others have specific requirements. Certain types of armor upgrade tags may be removable or temporary. For example, you may be able to remove the muffled tag be taking out the adding sewn into the joints. When in doubt, consult with your DM.  

Revised Armor

ArmorCostArmor Class (AC)StrengthWeightProperties
Gambeson* (leather) 15 gp11 + Dex modifier8 lb.
Leather jerkin (studded leather)45 gp12 + Dex modifier 10 lb.
Mail shirt (chain shirt)60 gp13 + Dex modifier (max 2) 25 lb.
Lamellar (scale mail)150 gp14 + Dex modifier (max 2) 20 lb. Disadvantage (Stealth)
Hauberk (breastplate)250 gp14 + Dex modifier (max 2) 30 lb.
Brigandine (half plate)450 gp15 + Dex modifier (max 2) 40 lb. Disadvantage (Stealth)
Cuirass (chain mail)90 gp16 Str 13 30 lb. Disadvantage (Stealth)
Half plate† (splint)450 gp17 Str 15 45 lb. Disadvantage (Stealth)
Plate †900 gp18 Str 15 60 lb. Disadvantage (Stealth)
Buckler10 gp+1 3 lb.
Heater shield20 gp+2 Str 13 8 lb.
Tower shield75 gp+3 Str 15 15 lb. Special
* All medium and heavy armors require a gambeson underlay. If you already possess a gambeson you can deduct 15 gp from the cost of purchasing a suit of medium or heavy armor. † Heavy armor can be upgraded to the next tier up for the difference in cost. For example, you can upgrade a suit of half plate to plate at a cost of 450 gp.  

Armor Upgrades

Tag Cost Prerequisite Properties
Armor proofing—1st tier 3,000 gp -- +1 AC
Armor proofing—2nd tier 6,000 gp1st tier armor proofing tag +2 AC
Armor proofing—3rd tier 9,000 gp2nd tier armor proofing tag +3 AC
Breathable 100 gp Light or medium armor. Incompatible with insulated tag.While wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws you make against exhaustion effects due to extreme heat, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Burnished 10 gp Heavy armor This armor has been polished to a mirror finish. While wearing it, you may have advantage on Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with certain humanoids, as determined by the DM. This tag is automatically removed after 24 hours of wear or at the end of a combat.
Climbing harness 100 gp Light, medium, or heavy armor This armor has been affixed with a climbing harness around the midriff, comprising leather straps and quickdraws. While wearing it, you make Strength (Athletics) checks to scale vertical surfaces with advantage when using a rope or similar aid.
Decorated 5 gp Medium or heavy armor and shieldsThis armor or shield is adorned with a holy symbol and can be used as a spellcasting focus for cleric and paladin spells
Insulated 100 gp Incompatible with breathable tag This armor counts as cold weather gear in conditions of extreme cold, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Locking joints 150 gp Half plate or plate armor This armor is made with hinged joints that can be locked by a quick motion from the wearer. While wearing it, you make Strength (Athletics) checks to oppose attempts to shove you with advantage.
Muffled 50 gp Brigandine armor This armor no longer confers disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Quick-release clasps 200 gp Light, medium, or heavy armor You can doff this armor as an action.
Reinforced 300 gp Heavy armor This armor or shield has been reinforced at the joints and other weak points. While wearing it, critical damage you take from nonmagical attacks is reduced by 3.
Runic—1st tier200 gp Any Armor or a shield. Can only be applied by a runesmith.*This armor or shield can be imbued with rune magic.*
Runic—2nd tier400 gp Runic—1st tier Can only be applied by a runesmith.*This armor or shield can be imbued with 2 Runestones*
Runic—3rd tier800 gp Runic—2nd tier Can only be applied by a runesmith.*This armor or shield can be imbued with 3 Runestones*
Spiked 250 gp Medium or heavy armor This armor has been modified with spikes, barbs, or other similar feature, and deals 1d4 piercing damage to creatures attacking with unarmed strikes or natural weapons that aren't magical.

Special Materials

Some materials have a built-in proofing when used to make armor. Only higher level proofing can be added to special materials. Here is a partial list.  

Tier 1

  • Armanite Hide
  • Umber Hulk Carapace
  • Gorgon Plate
  • Minotaur Hide

Tier 2

  • Kruthik Hive Lord Chitin
  • Gray Render Hide
  • Stone Golem Stone
  • Marilith Snake Leather

Tier 3

  • Iron Golem Iron
  • Dragon Turtle Shell
  • Marble Skin


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