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Deep Wilds

Arvandor, the Dismal Caverns, the Elemental Chaos, Eternal Sun, the Feywild, Gates of the Moon.
Primary Residents
Silvanus (greater god) and his exarch Malar; Auril (goddess Mielikki (goddess) and her exarch Shiallia; Umberlee (goddess).
  Beyond the ken of most mortals exists an otherworldly dominion of fantastic terrain dominated by untamed wilderness and populated by all manner of feral beasts and faerie folk. The Deep Wilds epitomizes the raw unfettered force of nature—a savage expanse that liberates the spirit and brings out the beast in all who spend too much time there. Within, no solid building spoils the wildness of the place, though the inhabitants clothe themselves and use tools appropriate to their sensibilities. Auril’s Winter Hall, built only of wind and ice, moves slowly across the dominion, bringing winter where it goes.   Every type of natural environment that exists on Toril is exemplified here. Including a dark and foreboding ocean, desert, savannah, meadow, steppe, jungle, forest, marsh, frozen tundra—all these and more exist in the Deep Wilds. Even the weather is as wild as the plane’s inhabitants. Weather patterns change and fluctuate without warning, so a beautiful clear day can turn to a raging snowstorm in minutes.   Along the southern and eastern reaches of the Deep Wilds stretches vast woodlands. The canopy of leaves overhead grows so densely that it seems all light must surely be blotted out. In the Deep Forest, where the vegetation grows thick and the wildlife is abundant, the greatest of all trees flourishes. Here, at the heart of the great wood in a glen called Summeroak, almighty Silvanus makes his home.   West, across the Singing Water and below the great escarpment, lies the Land of the Hunt, demesne of the Render. The River of Blood winds for uncounted miles across the untamed savannah to the shore of the Blood Sea.   From her court hundreds of leagues beneath the crimson waters of the Blood Sea, the Queen of the Depths commands the undersea denizens of her ocean realm. Above the rolling seas, galeforce winds and torrential rain threaten to drown air-breathers foolish enough to cross the burgundy expanse.   As a traveler moves north through the Deep Wilds, the land grows colder and colder until all terrain dissolves into an ever-present covering of ice and snow. Known to many as the Frostfell, and named Tír fo Leth by the fey, the Land Under Eternal Ice is bitterly cold and mirrors perfectly the harsh nature of the realm’s unfeeling monarch.


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