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Hands of Laretha

Plant (flower)  


Forests, Plains, Tundra  


ture DC 16; Religion DC 8  


16 gp per pound (1 gp per ounce)  


These golden flowers look like a pair of hands pressed together in prayer. This is why the plant is named after Saint Laretha, a cleric of Tymora who is the subject of a tale in which she prayed to the gods to intercede when a horde of bandits attacked her. The intervention took the form of a group of adventurers and the flowers began appearing near Laretha’s shrine, marking her as someone favored by the gods. This is Tymora’s chosen plant and like other gods, she often sends plants as a sign of her favor.   A pound of hands of Laretha crafted into a crown or other headwear can be worn and grants good-aligned clerics and paladins a +3 bonus to Intelligence (Religion) checks.


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