BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A player is allowed to drink as many drinks as he/she would want (or up to the DM's discretion). However, the drink effects do NOT stack. The Brewed alcohol is somewhat stronger than what you would purchase at a tavern. Every drink your character indulges in adds to his current Intoxication Modifier making his Intoxication Save that much harder.   If your current Intoxication Modifier is equal to or higher than your Constitution Modifier, you're required to make a Intoxication Save.   Intoxication Save DC = 8 + Current Intoxication Modifier   Each time you fail your Intoxication Save you gain a level in Intoxication which effect you according to the Intoxication Table. A critical fail results in an increase of two levels of intoxication.   Your levels of intoxication are decreased by 2 at the end of a short rest and decreased by 4 end of a long rest. If you have 1 level of exhaustion gained from intoxication and no levels of intoxication, you have a hangover.   While you’re hungover, you are vulnerable to thunder damage and have disadvantage against being blinded. You lose 4 levels of intoxication from a use of lesser restoration.   You lose your hangover at the end of a long rest or from a use of greater restoration (must be used after exhaustion is cured).  

Intoxication Table

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Level Condition Effect
0 Sober. You are not effected by alcohol.
1 Tipsy. You've become more talkative and amicable. +1 Persuasion, -1 Insight
2 Drunk. It's starting to effect your motor skills. -1 Proficiency, -1 Skills
3 Inebriated. You've become loud and clumsy. -2 Proficiency, -2 Skills
4 Woozy. You should really stop soon. Disadvantage for everything, Half Movement
5 Ill. You don't feel well. -4 Proficiency, -2 Skills, Disadvantage for everything, Half Movement
6 Blackout. You don't recall the night and might not wake up. You blackout. DM's discretion

Drink Strength

DilutedThe drink is watered down; every (5) drinks adds a level of intoxication.1-5 copper pieces.
WeakEvery (2) weak beverage adds a level of intoxication. 5-10 copper pieces.
ModerateA moderate beverage adds a level of intoxication. 1-5 silver pieces.
StrongA strong beverage adds 2-levels of intoxication. 5 silver pieces to 1 gold piece
Very strongA very strong beverage adds 3-levels of intoxication.1-10 gold pieces.
Dangerously strongA dangerously strong beverage adds 5-levels of intoxication. These drinks range wildly in prices depending on where they are purchased from.
BlackoutOnce reaching their intoxication threshold, any drink after causes the creature must make a DC10 Constitution save becoming blackout drunk and requiring a roll from the Blackout table. -

Morning After Fate

1 On the floor of your room, clothing torn, missing 1d10 gold 2 In a strange carriage, and you notice it's already left the city gates 3 Stuffed into a barrel, soaking wet, and reeking of rotten fish 4 On the counter of the bar, patrons trying to eat and drink around you 5 In the inn stables, wearing a horse's saddle on your own back 6 In the city barracks, wearing the full plate armor of an officer 7 In your own bed, naked and holding a wanted poster with your face 8 In the city square, tarred, feathered, and being loudly laughed at 9 In a basement, surrounded by a make-shift shrine dedicated to you 10 In a local fighter guild, wearing a medal of champions you didn't win 11 In a local magic guild, with one unmarked potion bottle in each hand 12 In a local thieves guild, stashed among 5d10 gold amount of loot 13 Inside of a barrel, and there's definitely someone rolling it 14 In the middle of the street, a guard slapping you awake 15 In an alleyway, with 1d4 hooligans stealing your things 16 In an alleyway, with 1d6 of your gold missing from your pockets 17 In an alleyway, propped next to a mannequin that looks like you 18 In the bed of a dodgy inn, clothes soaked blood that isn’t yours 19 In the bed of a dodgy inn, 3d10 gold richer from gambling wins 20 In the bed of a dodgy inn, tied up and gagged, not in a good way 21 Outside the city walls, with a decree of your exile for your crimes 22 In a fine dress shop, wearing their fanciest wedding gown 23 In a jeweler's store, covered in over 2,000 gold worth of gems 24 In a clothier's, half dressed, obviously trying to swap out clothing 25 In a carvery, surrounded by hanging meat from all humanlike races 26 In a library, books scattered, having been sleeping on the shelf 27 On the floor of your room, your body outlined in white chalk 28 On the floor of your room, wearing the armor of one of your companions 29 On the floor of your room, and a scarecrow looking like you is in the bed 30 In a wheat field, smack in the middle of a strange crop circle 31 In an empty field, having been planting a bag of blue glowing seeds 32 In a strange bed, with the smell of fresh baked biscuits from the kitchen 33 In a strange bed, a married couple standing nearby, arguing about you 34 In a barn, and a fire has started from a nearby knocked over lantern 35 In the church, the earnings from the donation box now in your pockets 36 In the church, your name written over their holy symbol in blood 37 In the church, dressed in wedding garb, with guests starting to arrive 38 In the church, naked, with the priest in the middle of a lecture 39 In the graveyard, surrounded by 1d4 dug up bodies, holding a shovel 40 In the graveyard, cold, alone, and under a gravestone bearing your name 41 In a ditch, having lost a pretty serious fight the night before 42 In a ditch, having won a pretty serious fight the night before 43 In an empty well, all the way at the bottom, with no rope 44 In an orchard, in the middle of what appears to be a fairy circle 45 In the home of the town leader with the maid screaming for help 46 In the streets, wearing a sign that says "will sing for ale" 47 In the streets, clothing tattered, and all your belongings missing 48 In the streets, sore, with a new crude tattoo down your arm 49 In a windmill, coated head to toe in grain and flour 50 On a windmill, caught on a sail, slowly going 'round and 'round 51 On the floor of the tavern, sticky, wet, and with a bill for 1d20 gold 52 In the tavern kitchen, face-to-face with the pig being used for dinner 53 In the tavern, spread on the dining table without any clothes 54 In the branches of a tree, wearing a crown of berries and leaves 55 In an herb garden, hands full of a very itchy, hive-enduring plant 56 In a strange house, with a large individual referring to you as -pet 57 In a strange house, the family huddled in the corner, terrified of you 58 In a strange house, the place looking ransacked, and 1d10 gold in hand 59 In a strange house, with odd summoning circles on all the floors 60 In a strange house, no furniture, just the word "FEAR" on the wall 61 In the river, luckily face up, soaking wet and clinging to shore 62 In the nearby forest, lost, abandoned, and you hear a monster's howl 63 In the nearby forest, laying in mushrooms, and you see so many colors 64 In your own bed, curled up next to a cold, rigid corpse 65 In your own bed, having stolen the blankets from everyone else last night 66 In your own bed, with a painting of the spider on your ceiling 67 In the town square, the word "MAYOR" painted across your chest 68 In a general goods store, flour "snow angels" all over the floor 69 In a general store, holding the lock box of earnings in your arms 70 In a general goods Store, having used all their ink to paint their walls 71 In a basement, chained up, with a bowl of food set out in front of you 72 In a basement, trapped in a maze of dusty boxes that go to the ceiling 73 In a livestock pen, dressed to look like one of the cows 74 Outside the walls, with a letter saying you're exiled for your "crimes" 75 Outside the walls, pockets full of 3d20 gold you didn't have before 76 In the dungeon, chained to the wall, with a skeleton hanging beside you 77 In the dungeon, and you feel the hot breath of a monster on your neck 78 In the kitchen, coated head to toe in flour, and so is the kitchen 79 in the barracks, wearing a guard's uniform, and the alarm bell rings 80 In the barracks, and 1d10 guards are around you, weapons drawn 81 In the undercroft, and you swear you can hear a child's voice calling you 82 In the undercroft, tied to a chair, with angry guards flanking you 83 In the royal chambers, having been hidden under the bed 84 In the royal chambers, locked inside of a wardrobe with no way out 85 In a treasure room, on a pile of gold, guards banging on the door 86 In the great hall, having painted your own visage onto a wall mural 87 In the courtyard, pockets heavy with 4d20 gold you can't account for 88 In the courtyard, holding signed papers giving you a noble title 89 In the ballroom, holding a bloody silver candlestick 90 In the bed of a guard, but you're the one wearing their uniform 91 In the bed of a guard, yet there are two guards sandwiching you 92 On the ruler's throne, naked, and you hear the room's door opening 93 On the ruler's throne, wearing a paper crown that says "OBEY ME". 94 Floating in the moat, wakened by the feeling of scales against your leg 95 Next to one of your companions, locked together with chains 96 In the library, holding book you've written, full of drunken rambles 97 You wake up in your bed, a document from a local judge stating you legally changed your name to same name as a party members. 98 You wake up in your bed, spooning someone who looks exactly like you. 99 You wake up in jail on minor charge, pay 4d10gp for bail or spend 1d4 days behind bars. 100 ROLL TWICE MORE & COMBINE THE OUTCOMES.


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