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Special Ammunition

The following new types of ammunition may be available for ranged weapons; either found as loot, available to purchase, or as an option to craft during downtime:

Berserk Dart.

The poison in this dart can induce temporary psychosis in a creature subjected to it. When you hit a creature with an attack using this ammunition, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or go berserk. While berserk, it must use its action each round to attack the creature nearest to it. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success. A creature that has succeeded on the save has advantage on subsequent saves made to resist the effects of this poison for 24 hours. No effect against undead and creatures immune to being charmed. Once a berserk dart hits a creature, it loses this property and becomes a normal dart.


A flat-nosed arrowhead typically used for target practice and hunting small game animals such as rabbits, squirrels, and grouse. Successful attacks using this ammunition deal 1d4 nonlethal bludgeoning damage instead of the weapon’s normal damage.


The tip of a bodkin arrow is most commonly a sharpened spike with a square profile, designed to penetrate plate and mail armor. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against targets wearing armor when using this ammunition.


With a tip shaped like a spear point, broadheads are designed for maximum penetration of soft flesh and thick hide—commonly used by hunters for bringing down large game. When you hit a creature that isn’t wearing armor with an attack using this ammunition it takes an extra 1d6 piercing damage.


This ammunition is tipped with a volatile alchemical compound. On striking a hard surface, it explodes creating a flash of light and loud crack audible out to 100 feet.


Enchanted with magic from the Shadowfell, this ammunition is able to strike creatures in the Ethereal Plane, and counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to immunity and nonmagical attacks and damage.

Sleep Dart.

This dart contains a dose of a powerful soporific, designed to temporarily incapacitate a target. When you hit a creature with an attack using this ammunition, instead of dealing damage roll 5d8; if the target has fewer hit points than the total rolled it falls unconscious until one hour has passed, it takes damage, or someone uses and action to shake or slap the target awake. No effect against undead and creatures immune to being charmed. Once a sleep dart hits a creature, it loses this property and becomes a normal dart.


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