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The House of the Triad is a temple dedicated to the teachings of the Triad. The Triad consists of three individual gods, Ilmater, Torm, and Tyr. While each has his own temples and followers, this is a group composed of worshippers of all three. Clerics of each deity are seen as equals and share in the responsibilities of the temple. It is trinitarian in belief; that is, they feel that Tyr, Ilmater, and Torm are equal deities in the Triad and that no one god is dominant.

Innumerable Edicts of the Order

The Innumerable Edicts are the dictates all members of the House of the Triad are expected to maintain. Followers of individual deities may have additional requirements.
    • Aid and succor the oppressed, injured, ill, and innocent.
    • Be true and just in all actions.
    • Bring painful, quick death to traitors.
    • Obey your masters with alert judgment and anticipation.
    • Stick to your cause if it is right, whatever the pain or peril.
    • Uphold the law wherever you go.

Prohibitions of Law

    • Allow not an innocent to go hungry.
    • Consort thee not with The Zhentarim, People of the Black Blood, Cultists of the Dragon or with followers of Auril, Bane, Cyric, Loviatar, Malar, Talona, Talos, or other deities of evil and dissipation.
    • Hoard not wealth for thine own when the poor suffer for lack of coin.
    • Killing, when just, is allowed; allow not anger, hatred, avarice, lust or dispassion to lead you to slay unjustly.
    • Let not lies nor heresies corrupt your speech.

Dogma and Scripture

The following are verses or beliefs espoused by the House of the Triad. While not the whole of the law, these are common sayings recited by the faithful.
    • All loyal to the Triad are Brethren; a loyal family united in faith, love, and duty.
    • Be honorable in all doings; but moreso, but faithful.
    • Hardened men understand naught but hardened steel.
    • No greater martyr than he who dies for his Brother.
    • Strong patient justice. (Saying refers to the Triad; Strong = Torm, Patient = Ilmater, Justice = Torm. Used to describe an act of faith. For example, if asked "How do we defeat the dragon?", the devout member of the Order responds, "With strong patient justice.")
    • The value of kindness cannot be measured in gold.
    • To demonstrate faith, be ye faithful.
    • Truth tears down barriers, while lies run you into them.


Martial Orders

The courage of one can change the destiny of many.
  They believed they must embody the strengths of all three gods of the Triad and display always courage and honor and perseverance in order that they might be true and virtuous paladins.
  Yet this this was no simple stereotype, but based in a complex system of beliefs combining the dogmas of three churches with shared goals but different approaches.
  To a Triadic knight, the church of Ilmater, the church of Torm, and the church of Torm each had unique views on how to live honorably and courageously, and they weighed their respective merits and sought a balanced solution.
  An example was of a criminal who is captured but then apparently repents—the Triadic knight must consider duty versus mercy versus justice in deciding his fate. They understood that doing good must come before following orders, that justice must be tempered with mercy, and suffering must be ended with courage.


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