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Wear and Repair

Equipment Properties

The following tags can’t be added as upgrades, but may be found preexisting on looted or for-sale items, or applied automatically when certain conditions are met.   Worn or Sundered. This piece of equipment has been damaged in combat or has deteriorated with age or use. A worn or sundered weapon confers a −1 penalty to attack and damage rolls made with it, and the AC of worn or sundered armor is reduced by 1   Damaged. This piece of equipment has sustained significant damage and will break when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack made with it (weapons) or you take damage from a critical hit while wearing it (armor and shields).   Broken. A broken weapon or shield cannot be wielded, and the AC of broken armor is reduced by 5, to a minimum of 10.  

Repairing Equipment

A character proficient with and in possession of an appropriate set of artisan’s tools can attempt to repair worn, damaged, or broken equipment as follows:
  • Equipment that is worn or sundered can be repaired for a fixed cost of 10 gp, or by spending 1 hour and succeeding on a DC 15 repair check with an appropriate set of tools.
  • Equipment that is damaged can be repaired for a cost equal to 10 gp or 10% of the base cost of the item (whichever is higher), or by spending 4 hours and succeeding on a DC 20 repair check with an appropriate set of tools.
  • Equipment that is broken can be repaired for a cost equal to 50% of the base cost of the equipment. The task of repairing broken equipment can only be undertaken in a workshop environment, and takes anywhere from a full day to more than a week depending on the type and quality of the equipment and the extent of the work required. Proofed armor that is broken can only be repaired by a master artisan.


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